I 308 , The Natt~r.e oft!;e Perfon ofCl,rifl,.and tl1e c€-rning,the Love of God unto the man C~rill Jefus,_and of his Love to (iod, it is the Petfon of the Father that is in– t_ended the-rein i nor can any one Infiance be given wher~· it is capable of another interpretation. For it i~ fiill fp4>k€n,, ~fwith reference unto' the·work t})~t. h~ wa;~ (e~t o£ thv Fa-. ther to.accomp.li{h, and his own delight th~J[eip~ . 3· He-allowed it to be 7E.ct.T~ d~txv-, l;_y w~ of E)ig,n#-' a,ncl Honour. For this conjunel;ion is fu;cb, a~ that wh~tever· H-o– nour is given unto· the Scn:;I ofGo~ i~ alfo·to lpe g~ven Ut;lto· that Sqn ·ofman;. ~ut herein tQ. recoll)pencze,his Sacriledg,o~ ip taking away th~ HJpoflatical Vniqn, fj;om th~ Church, he \;\;q.uld il}tJ:od.uce. Idol-atry ir:rt:Q· it. Jiqr the H9nqur that is. tl.qer l:l.nto·th~ Son ofGod, i~. Divine" R,eJigiqu~, . or tlJ..~: ow.n~ing,o( ~IJ. ~fTen~.ial Divine Propetrt~e~ in,l;l,ii;p, with a; dJ.lR f.ub– j~&ionof fqul .unto h.iw thereon. But to giv~ this. .J;fanouft' t!f1to·th~ rn~n{!l)rifl>J~fus, withqut a.fup_pofjtjQJJ.trftb.e-fub– fi(l:~ne{( ofhi~ Hu:rnflne Nttture.in: t~ . ~~r..foiJ. Qf _th~· Son of Qqd, q.!ld: fq:le!y. op t~gt a~~ouP,t,,is. qjgh.ly Idola.tr.ou.~. 4, H~ aQ'e~t~d iti to,l?e ~ ~urro~!$i\l~y, Qr on dw. a.€.efJunt' of ~fJ.e! c,onfent a;nc( agreert,~e;nt- tl;la;.t \ViaS l::,~tweeal tb~ Will_of God~. apd_t_he.Will;ofth~' Il}aJ1'. <;h~JJJ; Jefu~.~;u.t-.no Q~b,~~UQjplf:– '¥,ill:th~IJCt( enftW,_b}\t w45t.t ~.ben'\t_eefl. GQdaqd~ tb~4~gei~ in .. l-J;~ave_q; ir1 wh~m thepe iS;::t BG-Jfe~, c~mRli~~~@; -With the.Wilt <D<( Qq.q i~T aJl.things. . Wh~;ref~~;e .if tp.i§:, Q~ t:h~: f~ndati.Qt:J• of· ~his. Union, he might be· fai~b tO\, t~,k~- opJ!in:ttlw~ l,{a.tur.o.-ofi Ang,els, a.& welf ~s th~· ftedofA!Jr({ka.w.;.. w~~~h1 ~i e¥tP..re!Jy· ~ni~d. qy the A.f?oilJ~i H;fJ.. 2: L9-,.I~7•. f· Ka.9' opJ4vu,p..iav, b-.)1 ap , tEJJ!fi'J:IOC(4/;· 7)r1!omina.tifi.n:, th.et iilft!TI~· of t~1e1 oqe·.P.erfQ:9; q~mt;Jy, qf: th~ ~p, q~Q-od.:~-peiqg_acr. cotnm~qq.tesl 1.1QttQ tq.e~- qtner:,., Q~J:Aely, _t-h~ ~n~ o~,JJ;lWl~ 50: 1ihey-were c_at1€d:. Goch upt~ · W.h:~~~ tq~ W01;d~ of 60~- ea:JD·e~. l!IDt this no·way apfw~rSv)!fl~. Oll;(t :0iVJine.Te~Hmo.ny, ~he,r:-e~ -- mthe.N~qfe: o{G9g i§~ affig_-qe_.Q · l.ll~0.. tlJ.~· .L.9Jsl Gbr1{l:,_ ;t~ · tho~