I~poflatlcal Union of!J!s Natures declared. thofe wherein God js faid to lay down his life for us, and to purchafe his Church with his own bloocl, to come and be m(l– ;tifefi in the fiefh, wherein no I--£om011)'my or xquivocation can take place. By all thefe waies he confhtuted a feparable ~ccidental Urtio'n, wherein nothing in kind but in degree only W<lS peculiar unto the man Chnit Jefus. - But all thefe things io far as they are true belong unto the .third thing tobe conudered in his Perfon,namely,the Commu– nion, or mutual Communication of the d.i!l:infr Natures therein. But his PerfonalVnion confifl:s not in any of them; nor in aH gf them together. Nor do they anfwer any of the multiplied Te!l:imoni~s given by the Holy Ghofl: unto this Gloriotu M..,~fleries. S~me few of them may be menti– oned. iheWordwmmade jlefo., John r. r4- There cart be but two fenfes ofthefe words. ( r.) That the word ceafed tobe what it was, and was fubft:antially turned into jlefo. (2.) That con. tinuing to be what it was, it was made to be alfo what before it was not. The· firfl: fenfe is defrrufrive ofthe Divine Being, and all its effent.ial Properties. .The other can be verified only herein, that theWordtook thatfle./h, that is, our Humane Nature to be his o1vn, his own Nature wherein he w'as made flefh, which is that we plead for. For this affertion that the Petfon of theSon took our Nature to !Je his own, is the fame with that of the AfTumptionoftheHumaneNature into perfonal fubft!l:ence with himfelf. And the waies of the pre– fence of the Son of God with the man Chrifl: Jefus before mentioned, do exprefs nothing in anfwer unto this Divine Tefl:imony, that theWord was made flefo. Being in the form ofGod he took on_ him the form of a Ser– -r:ant, and became oh~i\nt, !~il. ~· 7'. 8. That by his being tn the form ofGod, h1s participatiOn m arJd of tlte fame Di--– vine Nature with the Father is intended, thefe men grant. R r 2 And