Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

-FfJpoffatical Union ofhisNatures declared. rt YJ 1 lJ Jt?#-3. Concurrent with ·and in part confequent unto. this Vnion is the communion of the diflinfl Natures of Chrifl hy– pofiatically ·united. And herein we inay confider (1 .) Wha~ ~is peculiar unto the Divine Nature : (2.) What is _common .unto both. 1; There is a threefold Communication of the Divine Na~ ture unto the Humane in this Hypoftatical Vnion . ( 1.) Im– mediate in the Perfon of the Son. This is Suhji/fen,ce. In it felf it is dvu'lfiCj'wr@.., that which hath not a Subjijlence of its own, which fhould give it individuation and difiintl:ion from the fame Nature in any other Perfon. But it hath its Su/;~ ftftence in the Perfon .of the Son, which th~reby is its own.: The Divine Nature as in that Perfon is it~}foppojitum. (2.) By the Holy Spirit he filled that 1\ature with an Allfulnefs of habitual grace, which I have at large explained elfewhere. (~-) In all the Acts o.f his Office, by the Divine Nature he communicated worth and dignity unto what was acted in and by the Humane Nature. . For that which fome have for a long feafon troubled the Church withal, about fuch a real communjcation of t.hePro~ perties of the Divine N ature unto the Humane, which jhoul([ neither be a trans fufion of them into it, fo as to render it the fubjefr of them; nor yet confifi in a reciprocal'Denomina- . tion from their mutual In-being in the fame fubjefr, it is that which neither themfelves do, nor can any other well underfiand. \ · Wherefore concerning. the Communion of the Natures in this perfonal Union, three things are to be obfervcd, which ~he Scripture, Reafon,. and the antient Church do all concur 10. r. Each Nature cloth preferve its own natural, efTential properties entirely unto, and in it felf; .without mixture, without compofition orconfufi.on, without ~uch a real ·Com~ munt·