Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

Hypoflatical Union of his Natures declareJ.. 3 I ' Childborn, to us a Son is gi-ven, /fa. 9-· 6. A mcmofSorrfJws ,Pndacquainted with Grieh !fa. 5.~· l· They are fpmken ofthe Perfon ofChri.ff" hut are verifiedinHumane Nature only, and ~he Perfon on the ace:ount theFeof. 2~ Sometimes that is fpoken ofthePerfon· which E>eloog~ not dif\:infrly and originally. untaeither Nature,. but cloth be– ·Ioog,unto him.on the account of tfueir Vnionin him, which are.~b,e . moft.~lre& _Jj'nun:tiations concer~ing...the ~~rf~n of Chn£1:. So 1s he fatd to be the_ Hea~ the_ Kzng,, Prreft and Prophet ifthe Church ;. all wfuch Offices ne bears and per– forms the afrs of them, not on the fingular account of this or tha:t Nature, but of the I:[)pojlaticaf Vnion of them both. ~· Sometimes his Perfon being denominated from one NatUrQ, the- properties and aCtsof. the othe.r. are·affigped Url-' to it. So they crucifiedthe Lord of Glory·. Re is the Lord of Glory on the account of his Divine ·Nature- 'Only ; thence is his Perfon denominated, when he is faid to be crucified,. which was in the Humane Nature only. SoGodpurchafed his. Church·w.itE- his·own·Blood, Afls. 20. 28~ 'Fhe denomination'· ofthe-P-erfon·is.from.the Divine·Nature only·; he is God; but the AB: afcrihed unto it, or.what· he d·idby his own blood, . was-, of the-HUmane-;Na:ture onlY,.; B1:1t the purchafe that was. made· thereby; , was-,· the work·of the Perfon, as both God . and ·marr, s~" Ofl ' the: o1iher· fide;: Jhe Sonr ofman who is. in t· He-aven, Joh..;, I ') · T:he denomination.of the Perfon is from, the Humane- Nature·oaly; the-Son of man. That afcribed unto.it .was-withthe-.refpe& umo the Divine Nature on}y ;: . wlvo i.s:im-llea7:Jen; 4· Sometimes the Perfon being denominated ·from on'e' N-ature, that is afcribed. unto·it whi€h is-comm0rr unto both; · or elfe being -denominated from ·both; that which is propert UntQ onew.oaly I isafcribcd unto him~ SeeRr;m~ 9: '4· Mat. 22.4-2· . Thefe