Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

3 2. 2 Tf.,e Exaltation ·~fChrift, tvitl; /;is · the Divine Nature, to be the only independant eternal Spring and Fountain of all Being and Goodnefs. Nor cari -Omnipotency it felf exalt a Creature into any fudi condition,as .that it fl1ould notalwaies and in all things depend abfolutely on the Divine Being. But as unto theway of the Communica– tions between the Divine and Humane Nature in the Perfo– -nal U:nion, we know it not. But whether they be of Life, Power, Light or Glory, they are of another kind, than that where9y we do or flJall receive all things. .For all things are given unto us, are wrought in us, as was faid, by an external _ejficiency of Power. The glorious immediate Emanations of vertue from the Divine unto _the Humane Nature of Chrifr, we underfl:and nor. Indeed the ac:tings of Natures of diffe– rent kinds, where both are.finite in the fame Perfon one to– wards the other, is of a difficult apprehenfion. Who knows how direCtive Power and Efficacy proceeds from the SouJ, and is communicated unto the Body, unto every the leaft mi– nute a&ion, in every member of it; fo as that there is no difiance between the direCtion and the accion, or the accom– plitllment of it; or how on the other hand the foul is affefr– ed with forrow or trouble in the moment wherein the Body feeleth pain, fo as that no difl:inCtion can be made between the Body's fufferings, and the Sours forrow? How much more is this mutual Communication in the fame Perfon of divers Natures above our comprehenfion,where one of them is abfolutely infinite? Somewhat will be fpoken to it after– wards. And herein cloth this eternal Glory differ frQm that . . of all other glorified creatures whatever. And ~· Hence the Humane Nature of Chri(l 1 in his DivinePer~ fon, and together with it, is the Object of all Divine Ado– rntionar:d Worihip, Rev. 5 q. All Creatures whatever do f.or ever afcribe Blej]ing, Honour, Glory and Power, untv the Lamb, in the fame manner ~s unto liim who fits on the Throne.