Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

3 2 4 The Exaltation ofChrifl·, , witlJ his Glafs; it is not evident unto us in its own lufier and beauty. Yea the remainder ofour darknefs herein, is the caufe ofall o~r Weak~efs, Fears and Di~confolation~. Want of a fl:eady VIew of this Glory of God, 1s that which exp.ofeth us unto .impreffions from all our temptations. And the light of our minds therein, is that whereby we are changed and transfer· med into the likenefs of Chrift. But in Hea·ven this is confpicuoufly and glorioufly mani– fefl: unto all the Bleifed Ones that are before the Throne of God. · They do not behold it by Faith in various degrees of light, as we do here below. They have not ap'prehenfions offome Impreffions ofDivine Glory on the Perfon ofChrift ~n:l the Humane Nature therein, with the work which he did perform, which is the utmoil: of our attainment. But they behold openly and plainly the whole Glory of God, all the Characters of it, illufirioufly manifefiing themfelves in: him, ~n what he is, in what he hath done, in what he cloth. Divine Wifdom, Grace, Goodnefs, Love, Power, doalljhine forth in him unto the contemplation of all his Saints in whoin he is admired. And in the Yifion hereof confifis no fmall part of our eternal Bleifednefs. For what can be more fa:– tisfaetory, more full of glory unto the fouls of Believers, than clearly to comprehend the Myflery of the Wifdom, Grace, and Love of God in Chrift ? This is that which the Prophets at a great difiance enql.l_ired diligently into ; that which the Angels bow down to lo'Qk towards ; that whofe declaration is the Life and Glory of the Gofpel. To behold in one view the Reality, the Subfl:ance of afl that was typi– jied and reprefented by the beautiful fabrick of the iaber~ nacle and iemple which fucceeded in the room thereof; of all the Uteniiis of them, and fervices performed in, them; all that the Promifes of the Old Teftament did contain,or the Declarations of the New; ·as it is the mofr .fatisfacrory,bleffed and