Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

3 2 6 T/;e Exalttttion of Chrifl, )vit/; !Jis gageth the foul u_nt~ univerfal Obedience, as finding therein· abundant reafon ior It, and encouragement unto it. Then is. Obedience truly Ervangelical, when It arifeth from this act– ing of Faith, and is thereon accompanied with liberty and gratitude. And herein is laid all the foundation of our con. 1olations for the prefent, and hope for the future. For the whole fecu:ity of our prefent and future condition de.pends on the Acbngs of God towards us, accordmg as he bath ma– nifeiled himielf in Chrifr. 3. From· tfie exercife of Faith herein, cloth Dirvine Lo·ve, Love unto God proceed ; therein alone is it enJivened and enflamed. On thefe apprehenfions cloth a believing foul cry out, How great is his Goodnefs? how great is his Beaury ?· God in Chriil: reconciling the world unto himfeH~ is the only object of Divine Love. Under that rel)refentation of him alone, can.the foul cleave unto him with ardent Love, con– ftant Delight, and intenfe Affections. All other notions of Love- unto God in finners, as we are all, are empty fancies. Wherefore; · + All Believers are, or fl1ouid be converfant in their minds about thefe things, with loqgings, expectations and defires– after nearer Approaches unto them, and enjoyments ofthem. And ifwe are not fo, we are earthly, carnal and unfpiritual. Yea-the want of this frame, the neglecr of this Duty, is the f01e caufe why many Profef.Tors are fo carnal in their minds, and fo worldly in their converfations. But this is the fiate ef the·m who live iri the due exercife ofFaith.This they pant and breath after; namely, that they may be .delivered from all d~rknefs, unfi.able thoughts, a11d imperfefr apprehenfions 0fthe Glory of God in Chrift:. After thefe things do thofe 'tvha have received the firfl frui ts of the Spirit, groan within thcmfelves. This Glory they would behold with open face, mo:t as at 1;refcnt in a Glafs, but in its own beauty. What do \\:e: