Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

prefent State and Condition in Glory. 3 2 7 we want? what would we be at! what do our fouls delire?. is it not that we might have a more full, clear, fiable, corn· prehenGon of the Wifdom, Love, Grace, Goodnefs, Holirrefs, Righteoufnefs and Power of God, as declared and exalted in Chrifi unto our Redemption and eternal Salvation? To fee the Glory of God in Chrifi,to underfiand his Love unto him, and valuation of him, to comprehen~ his nearnefs unto God, all evidenced in his Mediation, is that which he hath pro– mifed unto us, and which we are preiling after. See John I 7~ 'V. 2 ), 24· 5. ·Heaven will fatisfy all thofe deGres and expectations: To have them fully fatisfied,is Heaven and eternal Blefiednefs. This fills the fouls of them who are already departed in the· Faith, withAdmiration, Joy and Praifes. See Rev. 5·9,IO,II. Herein is the Glory ofChrifl abfolutely of another kind and nature, than that of any other Creature whatever. And from hence it is, that our Glory fi1all principally conlifl: in beholding his Glory, beoaufe the whole Glory of God is mani– fefied in him. . Andby the way, we may fee hence the Vanity as well as. the Idolatry of them who would reprefent Chrifi in Glory, as the ObjeCt ofour Adoration in Piflures and Images. They fafi1ion T¥oodor Stone into the likenefs of a man. They a· darn it with colours and flourifhes of Art, to fet it forth unto, , the fenfes.and fancies ofJuperflitious Perfons, as having a Re– femblance of Glory. And when they have done, they lav_~(h Gold out ofthe !Jag, as the Prophet fpeaks, in various forts of fuppofed ornaments; fuch as are fo only to·the vainefl: fort of mankind; and fo propofe it as a11 Image oi:' Refemblance · of Chrifi in Glory. But what is there in it that hath the leafi refpefr thereunto, the leafr likenefs of it? Nay, is it not the mofi effec:tual means that can be devifed to divert the minds ofmen from true aJJcl realapprehenfions of it ? Doth itr