Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

.. 328 The Exaltation .of C/;rift, ~ith lJis ~t te~cl~ any thing of the fu/;fiflence of, the Humane. Na~ure of . 6hrijf tn the Per}on of the Son of God? Nay, cloth lt not obli– terate all thoughts of it? What is reprefented thereby of the Vnion of it unto God, and the immediate Communications of God unto it? Doth it declare the Manifeflation of all theglo– rious Properties ofthe Divine Nature in him? One thing in– deed they afcribe unto it that is proper unto Chrifr, namely, that it is to be .adored and worjhiped, whereby they add Ido– latry unto their folly .Perfons who know not what it is to live /;y Faith, whC?fe minds are never raifed by Spiritual Heaven" ly Contemplations, who have no defign in Religion but to gratify their inward fuperfrition by their outward ien[es, may be pleafed for a time, and ruined tor ever by thefe delufions. Thofe who have real Faith in Chrifr, and Love unto him,have a more glorious Objefr for their exercife. And we may hereby examine bot!]. our own Notions of the flate of Glory, and our preparations for it, and whether we are in any meaf.ure mad..e meet for the Inheritance of the Saints . of f--ight. More grounds of this Trial will be afterwards fnggdled, thefe laid down may not be paffed by. Various are the thoughts of men about the future fl:ate, the things which are notfeen, wl~ich are eternal. Some rife no higher, but unto hopes ofefcaping Hell, or everlafrin·g miferies when they die. Yet the Heathen had their Elifianfields, and Maho– met his fenfual Paradife. Others have apprehenlions of I know not what g,li}leri11g Glory that \.vill . pleafe and fatisfy them th~y-know not how, when they can be here no longer. But this '!late is quite ofanother Nature, and the bie·ffednefs of it is Spiritual and Intellectual. Take aq infi~nce in one of the things before laid down. The Glory r.f Heaven, confifis in the full manifeflation of Divine Wifdom, Goodnefs Grace, Holinefs of all the Properti~s of theNature of God in Chrifi. I,n theclear perception ar..d confiant contemmplation hereof, · con·