Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

..-· prefent State andCondition in Glory." confiil:s no fmall part of eternal Bleffednefs. What then are our prefent thoughts of thefe things? What Jf!J,what"Sa– tisfatlion have we in the fight of them which we have by. Faith through Divine Revelation? What is our defire to come unto the perfeCt comprehenGon of them ? How do we like this Heaven ? What do we find in our [elves that will be eternally fatisfied hereby ? According as our ·aefires are af– ter them, fuch and no other are our defires of the true Hea– tzJen, of the Refidence of Bleffednefs and Glory. Neither will ·.God bring us unto Heaven whether we will or no. If through the ignorance and darknefs ofour minds, if through the earthlinefs and fenfuality of our affecrions, if through a fulnefs .of the world, and the occafions of it, )f by the love of Life, and our 11refent en)oyn1ents, we are firangers unto i · thefe things, we are no~ converfan~ about them?we long not ) after them; we are not m the way towards the1r enjoyment. / The prefent Sat-isfa{tion we receive in them by Faith,.is the befi evl\dence we have of an indefeafible Interefi in them. How foolifh is it to lofe the .frfl fruits of thefe things in our own fouls, thofe entrances into Bleffednefs, which the ton– templarioit of them through Faith would open unto us,f and . bazar? our e~erlafra~ing e?j~ym~~t of them., by an eager purfmt ofan mterefi mpenfhmg thmg~ here below. This, this is that which ruines the fouls of mofi:, and keeps the Faith of many at fo low an ebb, that it is hard to difcover y. any genuine·work-ing of it. · . 1 J 1"9 2. The Glo~y ofthe Humane Nature of ChriD: differs from / that ofthe Sa-ints after the Refurrellion, in things which con– cern the degrees of it. For, 1. The Glory of his Body is the example and pattern of what they fl1all be conformed unto, Phi!. )· 21. Who jhall 'change 'our vile Bocly, that it may be fajhioned like unto his Glorious Borly, according to the working whereby he is · able'