33o The Exaltation ofC!Jrifl, 1/Jit!J !Jts nblf even to fu/Jrl'ue allthin;;s unto him[elf. Our Bodies were made vile by the entrance of fin. Thence they became Bro- . - thers to the Worms, and Sifl:ers unto Corruption. To Death and the Grave with rottennefs and corruption therein, they are defigned. At the Refurrdlion they fhall be new-framed, Jafl1ioned and moulded. . Not only all the -detriment and dif– advantage they received by the entrance of ·fin fhall be remo· ved, but many additions of Glorious ~lifications which they had not in their primitive natural conftitution flull be ad– ded unto them. And this fhall be done by the Almighty Pow– er of Chrifl; that working or exercife of it, whereby he is able to fubdue all things unto hi[J1fel[ But of this fl:ate where– into we fhall be 'Changed by the Power of Chrifl:, his own Boc{'V is the pattern and example. A fimilitude of it is all that we ~1all attain unto. And that which is theI dteaand exem. plar in any fl:ate 1 is the Rule and Standard unto all others. Such is the Glory of Chrift.; ours confifl:s in conformity thereunto; which gives him thePreheminence- _ / 2. As the fiate' of his Body is more glorious than ours fl1all be, [o will that ofhis Soul in it felf be made appear to be more excellent than what we are capable of. For that fulnefs of the- Spirit without meafure , and of all Grace which his Nature was capacitated for by vertue of the Hypo-. jlaticalVnion, cloth now fl1ine forth in all Excellency and Glory. The Grace that was in Chrift in this world, is the i:1me with that which is in him now in Heaven. The Na- , ture of it was not changed, · when he ceafed to be J7iqtor, but is only brought into a more glorious exercife now he is Comprehenfor. And all his Graces are now made manifefi, the vail being taken from them, ancl Light communicated · to difccrn them. As in this .~world, he had unto the mofl: neither form nor comelinefs for which he ihoulcl be defired, p<utly from the vail which was cafi on his irtwarcl Beauty, from .( .