Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

33 2 .. T/)e E.:·<~tltation' ofC/JJ'ij'l-, 11Jitf) /:>tsreceived into Glol)', or rather glorioui1y. And-heentre a i;,;:. to Glory, Luke 24. 26. This Aliumption and entrance into, Glory was upon his Afcenfion defcribed, Alls 1. 9, I I. He was taken up into Heaven, dv€1cncp~ll €v J'b~n,. by an Acr of" · Divine Power; and he went into Heaven, EioYi/..r3-Ev El~ J/J~nv,. in his own choice arrd .will, as. that which he was exalted unto. And this Afcenfion of Chrifl: in his Humane Nature· into Heaven is a Fundamental Article of the Faith of the " Church. And it falls under a double confideration. (I.) As, .it was iriumphant, as he was a King. (2.) As it was Graci- , l{)lfs., as he was a Priefl. His Afcenfion as unto change of Place, from Earth to Heaven, and as unto the outward man– ner ofit,was one and the.fame, and at one~ accom pli:lhed.But: as unto the End of it,which is the_exercife-<>f all his Offices, it had various refpeEls, various prxfigurations, and isdifiinctly propofed unto-us, with refer:ence unto them. \ In his Afceqfion as it was Triumphant,three things may be- ~onftdered. (r.) Themanner of it, with its Reprefentation 0f Old. (2.) The Place whereinto he afcended. (5.) The End of it, or what was the workwhich he had to do thereon.,. r.. A\ unto the manner of it, it was. openly triumphant ~nd glonous. So·is it defcribed,,Ephef. 4- 8. He afcended uf' if!m hig,h ; he lead captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. And refpett is had unto the prxfiguration of it, at the giving, ~fthe l,aw, Pfal. 68. I7, 1 S.. where the glory· of it is more fully expreffe~·· The Chariots of God are twenty thoufond;. even tboufa.~ds of Angels; the Lore! is among them as in Sinai, in the Holy f lace. Thou· hafl afcendedon high,_ thou hafllead_. Mptivity captive, &c; The mo11 glorious Appearance of 6od upon the Earth under the Old Teframent, was that on· Mount Sinai, in·the giving of the Law. And as his Prefence was there .at~ended · with allhis glorious Ang,els; fo when. up– ®'11 the find1ung, of that w.ork he r.eturned or afcended mt6, · l!eaven~