Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

prejent State and Conditioiz in -Glory-.· '333 f:ieaven, it was in the way of a Triumph with all that Ro)'al Attenclance. And this prxfigured the Afcent of Chrif\: into Heaven upon his fuljlling aj the Laiv, aH that was required in it, or fignified by it. He afcended triumphantly ?fter h~ had gjven the Law, as a fig·u·e of his triumphant Afccnt a:l:– ter he had fulji/Jecl it. Having thenJPoiled Principalities ancl Powers; he made a jhew of them openly, t6~:mphing, over . them, Col. 2. I 5· So he lead captivity captive; or all th~ ad– verfe Powers of the Salvation of the Church in triumph at his Chariot -wheels. I deny not but that his leading capti· 'Vit_y capil'Ve, principally refpefrs his fpiritual conqueH over Satan, and the defirufrion of his Power. Yet whereas he is alfo !aid to Jpoil Principalities ancl Powers, mr:1ki11g~ fhew fJj them openl.J', and triumphing over them, I no way doubt but Sata;z the Head of the Apofiacy,_and the chief Princes of Darknefs were lead openly in fight of all the holy Ange~s, as onquered captives. The feed of the l¥oman having now broken the Head of the Serpent. This. is that which is fo emphatically expreffed, Pfolm 47· throughout. The ground and caufe of all the Triumphant _Rejoycing of the Church therein _declared, is that God was gone up with a jhout, the Lord with the found of a Trumpet, 'Verf. 5· which is nothing but the glorious Afcent of Chrifr into Heaven, faid to be ac– companied with :fhouts, and the found of a Trumpet,_the ex– l)reffions of Triumphant Rejoycing, becaufe of thegltltiour Acclamations that were made thereonby all the Attendants of the Throne of Ood. , 2. The Place whither he thus afcended, is on high. : H.e. afcended up on high, Ephef 4- 8. That is Heaven. He ~ ent into Heaven, Ads 1. I 1. And the Heavens mufl receive him. 'Ver. 3. 2 r. Not thefe afpefrable Heavens which we behold. For in his Afcenfion he pa!Jed through them, He!J. 4· 14 and is made higher tha;; th~y, chap. 7· 27. But into the Place of V v 2 the '