Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

. ' J/ 334 The-.Exdltation ofClwijl, wit/) his- . the Refidence of God in Glory and Ma.jefiy, He!J. r. )· chap; 8. r. chap. I2. 2. Thereonthe ihron6- ·ofGod, Rev. 3.2r. on. · the right bandof the Majefty on high, he fits down in the full poffeffion and exercife of all Power and Authority. This is the Pallace o.f this K'ng of Saints and Nations. There is his. Royal eternal Throne, Heb. r.. 8. And many Crowns are on his head, Rev. I9. I2. or all Dignity and Honour. And he who in a pretended imitation of him wears a triple Crown,, bath upon his own head thereby, the name of Bla[phem)',_ Rev. I 5· r. There are before·him.his Scepter ofRighteouf– uefs, his Rod of Iron, all the re$alia of his glorious- King;:– dorn.. . For by thefe Em~lems of Power doth the Scripture. reprefent unto us his foveraign Divine Authority in. the execution of his Kingly OJfice. Thus he afcended trium· phantly,having conquered his Enemies; thus he raig~eth glo,. rioufly overall. 3· The End for. which he thus triumphantly afcended.into, Heaven, is twofold. (r.) The o·vertunting, and de}lruEfion ofall his •Enemies in all thei~ remaining P'owers. He rules. th-:.rn with a Rod ofIron, and in his dl;le time will dam them in pieces as a PottersVeifel, Pfot. 2\ 9· For he muff- raik,n un~ilat! his Enem,ies are made his.foot}lool, I Cor; 1 )· 2), 26~ Pjcd. ·I 1.0. 1:. Although; at prefent for the mofl: p~rt they defpife his Authority, yet they are all· abfolutely in his Pow– er, and ihaJl. fall under his eternal difp1eafure.- (2.) The Prifercatiqn., Continuation .and Rule of his Church, both.as lllnto the Internal fl:ate of the fouls of them that: believe,, and the external Order bf the Cln.mch in its Worlhip and Obedience,. and its prefervati0n under and from all oppofi:. tions and p'erfecutions ·in this World: There is in each of thefe fuch a .qmtinual exercife of Divine lVifdom, Powet. and Care,the effects of them are fo great and marvelous, and cl1e fruits.of them fo .abundant unto the Glory of God, th'at· ~h~