Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

prejent State and Condition in Glory~ 33' ; · theWorldwouldnot contain theBooks that might be written of them ; but to handle them diilincHy is not our prefent defign.. 2. His Afcenjion may be con!idered as Gracious; as the afcent of an High 'Priefl. And herein the things before mentioned are ofa diil:intl: con!ideration. ' ' 1. As to themanner of it, and the defign ofit, he gives an account of them himfelf, John;w-. - I 7. His defign hereirr was not the taking on him thy · exercife of his Power, King– dom and glorious Rule; but the afling with Godon the be. ha'lf of hi3 Difciples. I g,o, faith he, to my Father, and tO' your Father,to my God,and to ) 'OUr God; not his God and Father with refpefr unto eternal Generation, but as he was their God and Father alfo.And-he was fo, ?She was their God and Father in the fame Covenant with himfclf; wherein he was to procure ofGod all good things for them.Through the blood of this everlafling, Covenant,namely,his own blood,whereby this Covenant was efiablilhed, and all the good things of it fe~ cured unto the Church, he·was hroug,ht again from the cleacl, 1 that he might live ever to communicate them unto theChurch, E-Ieh. q. 20, 21. With this ·de!ign in his Afcenfion, and the effetl:s of it, did he often comfort and refreih the hearts of of his Difcip1es, when they were ready to faint on the ap· prehenf10ns of his leaving of them here belO\v, John r 4· 1',2. fhap.l6. 5,6,7. And this was typified by the afcent of the· High Pridf, unto the Ternple of 01d. The Temple w::-cS. · fituated on an Hill, high and fieep, fo as that there was no approach unto it but by flairs. Hence in their wars it \Vas looked on as a mofl: impregnable fortrefs. And the folemn afccnt of the High r ·riej{ into it on the day of expiation, bad a Refemblance of this afcent of Chrifi into Heaven. For after he had offered the Sacrifices in the outward court, and m;de Attonement for 1 !in, he entrcd into the moft Holy Place; a: ·1'jpe of Heaven it felf,_as the, Apofile declares, Heh. 9· 24- . of