3·36 T/;e Exaltation ofChrifl, zvitl; l;is , . of Heaven, as it was the Place whereinto our High Preift \Vas to enter. And it was a jo_jfut afcent, though. not Tlrwm– pl~cmt. All the Pfalms from the 12oth. to the 1 34th. inclu– fl.vely whofe Titles are li~7ln~;, t;:J'1't!', Songs Qf Vegrees, , or ~ather Afcents or Rifings, being generally Songs of Pratfe and Exhortations to have refped unto ( he Sanfruary, were fung to God at the refl:ing-places of that Afcent. Efpe– cially was this reprefented on the day of Jubilee. The Pro– clamation of the Ju!Jilee was on the £1me day that the High Prieflr entred into the ~oly Place; and at the fame time; namely, on the tenth rfay of the Jeventh month, Levit. r6.29. chap. 25. 9· Then did the Trumpet found throughout the Lq.nd, the whole Church; and Liherty was proclaimed un– to all fervants, captives, and fuch as had fold their poffef. 1el11ons; tltat they might return unto them again. This be- - ing agreat ?jpe of the fpiritual Deliverance of the Church, the noife of the Trumpet was called the joyful found, P.fal. 89· I 5, Ble.f[ed are t!Je people that know the }OJful found, they jha!l walk 0 Lord in the light of thy cou1ttenance. Thofe who are made parrakers of f1 i ·itual Deliverance,fl1all walk before God in a fenfe of his Love and Grace. This is the Afcent of our High Priefr into his Sanfruary, when he proclaim– ed the acceptable yeqr of the Lord, and the day of venge– ance of our God, to comfort all that mourn; to ' appoint unto thtm that mourn in Zion, to give them beauty {or ajhes, the oyl of joy for mourning, the garment of praife for .the Jpirit ofhetr~inejs, that they m~r;;,ht /;e r;alled trees cf Righte-- ou{n~[s,. the planting of the Lord, tbat he might be glorifiecl, lja 6r. ? , 3. For in this Afcen!ion ofChrill:, Proclamation was macde in the Gofpel, of Mercy, Pardon, Peace, Joy, and everlafl:iog Refrefhments, unto· all rhat were diftreffedby fin, with a communication of Righteoufnefs unto them, to the eternal Glory of God.Sqch was the entrance of our fligb Priefl · ~to --