Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

. ' . - ~ I I I \. / .... - . preflnt State a}tdCorfdition ·in GlarJi~ · , 337 intoHeaven, with AcclamJtions of joy and Praife unt~' Go,de J 2. The Place whereinto'he thus entred was the S(mfluary abvve,. the Tabentacle not made with hands, Heh. 8. 2. It was f. · into Heav~n it felf, not abf~utely, but as it is the Temple of God, as the Throne ofGrace ..and Mercy Seat are in it, which mull: further be fpoken unto immediately. · - . 5· The End why the Lord Chrifl: thus afcended, and thus entred into the Holy Plate, was td appear in the prefence of Godfor us, and to make lntercej]ion for all that come unto God by him, I-Ieb; 7. 26, 27. chap. 9· 24, 2). He afcended triumphantly into Heaven, as Solomon afcend– ed into his glorious Throne of Judgment defcribed, I King,s– IO. 18,19, 20, As Davidwas the Type of his Conquell: over all the enemies of his Church, fo was Solomon offiis giorious Raign. The Types were multiplied becaufe of their imper– fection; Then came unto him the ~een of She3a,the Type– ofthe Gentile-Converts and the Chcm::h. When t::J'r,j1J ':J'i.l,. the -voluntaries of the people (thofe made willing in the day ofhis Power, Pfal. I ro. ~-) gathered themfelves to the people· of the God of A!Jraham, and were taken in his Covenant,Pfa/. 47· 9· But he afcended graciou:fly, as the l-lig,h Prid! went into the Holy Place.. Not to rule all things glorioufly with mighty Power, not to ufe his Swore! and his Scepter, but to appear as an High Priefl in a Garm'int down to the foot, and a . Golden Girdle about his paps, Re·v. I. I 3· as in a Tabernacle or Temple before a Throne of Grace. His fitting down at the Right hand of the Majeil:y on high, adds to the Glory of his Priefily Office, but belongs not unto the execution of it. So it was prophefied of him, that he fooulcl be a Priefl on hi& ihrone, :Ze-ch. 6! 1 3• - · ' It may be added hereunto that when he thus left tkis Tflorlt:l • and afcended into Glory, the great promife he made unto· his Difci}:lles _as they were to be Preachers ofthe Gofpel, a~d -m.\ .. ~