Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

~ .3 8 . The Exaltation ofClJr~ft, ivitlJ !;is . in them unto all that ihould fucceed them in that Office, was that he vvoulc.ifend the Ho£y Spirit unto them, to teach and guide them, to h~ad them into all Truth, to ,declare unto them rlle Myfieries of the 'Vill, Gra{:e and Love of God, for the ufe of the whole Church. This he promifed to do, and did in the difcharge of his Prophetical Office. And although his 'givingGifts unto men was an afr of his Kingly Power, .yet it was tor the End ofhis Prcphetica!Office. From what bath been fpoken it is evident that the Lord Chrifl: afcencled in'to Heaven, or was received up into Glory, with this defign, namely, to exercife his 011ice of Mediation in the behalf of the Church until the End fhould be. As this was his Grace, that when he was Rich, for our fakes he became Poor; fo when he was made Rich again for his own fake, he laies forth all the Riches of his Glory and Power on our behalf: · 2. The Glory of the fiate and condition ~,hereinto Chrifl: thus entred, is the next thing to be confidered. For he isjet clown at the right hand of the Maje!l:y on High. And as his fijcenjion with the Ends of it were twofold, or of a double con– fideration, fo was his Glory that enfued thereon. For his prefent J\1ediatory frate confifis either in the Glory of his Power and Authority; or in the Glory of his Love and Grace; . his Glory as a King, _or his Glory as a Priefl. For the fir!l: of thefe, or his R~alGlory, in foveraign Power and Autho– rity over thewholeCreationofGod, allinHeavena:ndEarth, Perfons and Things, Angels and Men, Good and Bad, Alive and Dead, all things ~piritual and Eternal, Grace, Gifts and Glory, his Right and Poweror Ability to difpofe ofall things acco'rding unto his 'Vill and Pleafure I have fo fully and di– fiintHy declared ·it, in my expofition on, Heb. I. ~· as that I il1all not here again infifr upon it. His prefent Glory in the way ofLove aJrJd Grace; -His Glory as a Priefl, will bemani. . f-efied in what cloth enfue. CHAP~