cHAP. XX. Tl;e Exercifc of the Mediatory Office of Chrifl in Hea1Jerz. T. HE third and lafi thing wh~ch we propofed unto con– fideration in our enquiry into the prefent fl:ate and condition of the Perfon of Chrifi in Heaven, is the exercife and clifcharg,e ofhis Mediato1y Office in behalf of the Church ; efpecially as he continueth to be a Minifler of the Sanfluary, and of the true Tabernacle which God hath fixed and not man. All Chriflians aclmowledge that his prefent flate is a fl:ate ·of the higheft Glory, of Exaltation above the whole Creation ofGod, above every name that is or can be named; and here– on they efl:eem their own honour and fafety to depend. Nei– ther do they doubt of his Power, but take it for granted that he can do whatever he pleafeth, which is the ground of their placing all their confidence in him. ·But we mufl: fhew more– over that his prefent fl:ate is aft ate of 0./!ice-Power, Work and Duty. He leads not in Heaven·a lifer of meer Glory, Majefl:y and Bleffednefs, but a life ofOffice, Love and Care alfo. He lives as the Mediator of the Church, as the King, Priefl: and Prophet thereof. -Hereon do our prefent fafety, and our fu– ture eternal faivation depend. Without the continual aB:ings . of the Office -Power and care of C hri11, the Church could not be preferved one _moment. And the darknefs of our Faith herein is the caufe of all our difconfolations, and moil: ofour \Veakneffes in obedience. Mofl:· men have only general and confufed notions and apprehen!ions of the preient fl:ate of Chrifl: with refpecr unto the Church. And by fome all con– fiderations of this nature are defpifed and derided. But re– v ealed thinp:,s hlong unto UJ ; efr ec ially fuch as are of fo great ,- . A x 1mpor·