340· Tl?e Exercife oftl?e Mediatory Office· importance unto the Glory of God, and the faving of our own fouls; fuch as this. is concerning the prefent fiate of the– Perfon of Chrifi in Heaven, with refpefr un;to his Office,. Power and Care. >1>·., .. · . Thus he is at once reprefented in all his Offices, Rev. 5. 6.. And I beheld, and lo in_the 'mitlj} of the Throne, and of t!Je four living cre.atures!Jflood a Lamb (lJ it had /;een !lain, ha:ving._ fe"''£n horns, and feven ryes, which are the·ft·ven Spirits of G()dIent forth into a!J the earth. The whole Reprefentation· .ofthe Gloty of God, with. all his holy Attendants, is here· £alled his Throne, whence Chrifi is faid to be in the midfl of it. And this he is in his Xingly Glory; with refpeCl: alfo whereunto he is faid t6 havefeven Horns,. er perfect Power: for the accompli!hment of his Will. And with refpeCl: unto· his Sacerdotal Office, he is repvefented--as aLamb .that had been jlain; it being the vertue of his oblation that is continually .effecrual for the falvation of the Church\ For as the Lam!/ ofGocl, in the ·offering of himfelf, he takes away the 'fins of– the world. And as a Prophet he is faid to have [even E;yes.,, which. are the fe·ven Spirits of God; or a perfect fulnefs. of all fpiritual Light and Wifdom in himfelf, with·a Power· £or the communication of Gifts ami ·Grace for the illumina,_– tion of the Church. The nature of thefe Offices of Chrift, what belongs unto• them and their difcharge, as was before intimated, I have @.eclared elfewhere. I do now no farther confider them but as they relate unto the· prefent !fate and condition of the· ·Perfon of Chrifi in· Heaven: And becaufe it would be too' iong a work to treat of them·all dillinCl:ly, liliall confine my felt unto the confideration of his Prieflly Office, with what · <depends theveon~ And with refl?eet thereunto d1e things, e.niuing may be obferved.. · 1.•. The Lord.Chriilentred into Heaven, the Place of the· Re1i7