Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

of Chrifl in Ilea1ren. ·34 'I . Refidenceof the Gt'ory of God, as into a Temple, a iabernacle, a Place ofJacred fVorjhip. He did {o as the High Priefl: of the Church, Heb. 6. 9, 24. Heir not entred into the Holy Places made with hands, which are the figures of the true, but in:o Heaven itfelf, now to appear in the Prefence of God for us. He is entred into Heaven as it was figured by the Tabernacle of Old, which was the Place of all Jacred and folemn Wor– fhip. And therefore is he faid to enteJ: into it through the Vail, Heb. 6. I9, 20. Chap. IO. 19,/ 20. Which was the way of entrance into the moil: Holy Place both in the Tabernacle and Temple. Heaven is not only a Pal/ace, a Throne, as it is Gods Throne, Matth. 5. 1, 4· But it is a iemple where– in God dwells, not only in Majefiy- and Power, but in Grace and Mercy. It is the feat of Ordinances and folemn \Vor~ fhip. So is it reprefented, Re·v. 7· I), I 7· It is faid of the whole number of the Saints above that have paffed thrclJgh the Tribulations of this World; that they are before the Throne ofGO'd, andferve him day and night in his iemple, and he that jitteth o~ the ihronejhall du:ell among them. And the Lamb which is in the widfl of the ihrone }hallfeed them, and lead them unto living Fountains of water. See alfo chap. 8. I, 2, ~, 4· The Worfhip of the Church below, may alfo be herein cornprized; but it is by vertue of Communion with that above. This is that Heaven which the fouls of Belie– vers do long for an entrance into. Other apprehenfions ofit are·but uncertain fpeculati9ns. , 2. In this Temple, thi-s Sanfluary the L{)rd Chri!l: con– tinueth glorioufly to Minifler before the Throne of Grr.c.:, in the difcharge of his Office. See Heh. + 14, I 5, 16 Chap. 9· 24. As the High Prie£l: went into the Holy Place to mini– fl:er for the Church unto God, before the Ark and Merq· fe at, which were Types of the Throne of Grace; fo cloth our HighPriefl: acr for us in the real Prefence of God. He Xx 2 d1d