342 The Exercife of the Mediatory ~[lice did not enter the Holy Place only to refide there in a way of Glory, but to doTemple-work, and to give unto God all that Glory, Honour and Wodhip which he will receive from the Church. And we may confider, both (1.) What this work is, and (2 ..) How it is performed. . '· Cl I. In general; herein Chri£1: exerteth and exercifeth all •· · his Love, Compa.J}ion, Piry and Care towards the Church and every member of it. This are we frequently called unto, the confideration of, as the Foundation of all our confolation, as the Fountain of all our Obedience. See Heb.2.. 17, 18. Chap. 4· 15, I 6. Chap. 5. ·2. Thoughts hereof are the relief of Be· lievers in all their difrre!fes and temptations; and the effeCts of it, are all their.fupplies of Grace enabling them to,perfe– vere in their Obedience. He cloth appear for them as the great Reprefentative of the Church to tranfacr all their affairs with God. And that for three Ends. . 1. To make effet-1ual the Attonement that he hath made for . fin. By the continual Repn~fentation of it, and ofhimfelf as a Lamb that h.adbeen]lain, heprocure~ the application of the vertues and benefits ofit in Reconciliation and Peace with God,unto their fouls agd confciences.Hence are a!l Believers, fprinkled and wail1ed with his blood in all generati~ns ; in the· application of the vertues~of it unto them, as ·1hed for them: 2. To undertake their Prouflion 1 and to plead their caufe againfi all the accufations of Satan. He yet accufeth and chargeth them before God. But Chri£1: is their Advocate at theThrone of Grace, effeCtually frufirating all his attempts, Re·v~ 12. 10. Zech. 3· 21. 3. To intercede for them; as unto th€ communication of all Grace and Glory, all fupplies of the Spirit,the accomplifh1\lent of all the Promifes of the Covenant towards them., 1 r:John 2. 1, 2. This is the work of Chri£1: in Hea·ven. I~ thefe thing_s as the High Priejl of the Church). cloth he contmue t~J . adm1:-