of Chrifl in Hea1Jen.· 343 adminifier his Mediatory Office on their behalf. And herein is he attended with the Songs a~d joyful Acclamations of all the Holy Ones that are in the prefence of God, giving Glory 1 to God by him. · 11J J~<Z ~ 2. As unto the manner of this glorious Adminifiration, fundry things are to be confidered. _ I. That this tranfaB:-ion of things in Heaven, l:eing in the y Temple of God, and before the Throne of Grace, is a folemn Inflituted T1lorjhip at prefent, which ihall ceafe at the end of the world. Religious \Vorfhip it is; or that wherein an~Iwhereby all the Saints above do give Glory to God. And 1t is lnjlitutedWodhip, not that which is meerly natural, in. that it is God's efpecial Appointment in and by Chrifr the Mediator. It is a Church State which is confiituted hereby, wherein thefe glorious Ordinances are celebrated; and fuch a State as :thall not be eternal, but hath its time allotted unto it. And Believers at prefent have by Faith an admiffion into communion with this Church above in all its Divine v.; or– fhip. For we are come unto Mount Sion, and unto the City of the Living, God, the heaveu[y Jerufalem, and to an i1mumerable company ofAngels; to the general A{{emb(y and Church of the firfl born, which are written in /-leaven ; and to God the Judge of all, and to the fpirits ofjufl men made perfell; and to Jeju.s the Mediator ofthe New Cove-'!ant, and to the blood of.!}rink– ling, which Jpeaketh better things than that of A~el, Heb. 12. 22, 2;, 24- A Ghurch-flate cloth the Apofile mofr exprefly reprefent unto us. It is Sion, Jerufalem, the great A1Tembly;, the names of the Church-fiate under the Old Tefiament.And it is ,a State ahove, the heavenly Jerufalem, where are all the holy Angels, and the fpirits of jufi men madeperfell; in them– felves, though not in their fiate as to the refiitution of their bodies at the RefurreB:-ion. And an Holy Worjhip is there in this great A!fembly. For not only is Jefw in it as the Me~ diator-