Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

~] ~-4 The Exercife of t/;e Mediatory 0ffice ·.diator of the Covenant; but there is the BloodofJpringling alfo, in the effecrual application of it unto the Church. Here– into have \Y~ an entrance. In this holy Affembly and Wor– :fhip ltave \:ve communion by FaithwhiHl: we are here below·, Heb. ro. 19, 20,21, 22.-. 0 that my foul might abide and a– bound in this exercife of Faith; that I might yet enjoy a clearer profpefr of this Glory, and infpefrion into the Beau– ty and Order of this bleffed A!fembly. How inconceivable is the Reprefentation that Gocl. here makes of the Glory of his Wifdom, Love, Grace, Goodnefs and Mercy in Chrifi? How excellent is the manifefiation of the Glory and Honour of Chriil in his Perfon and Offices, the Glory given him by the Father? How little a port,ion do we know, or can have ex– perience in, of the retreihing, fatiating communications of Divine Love and Goodnefs unto all the members of this Af. fembly; or of that unchangeable delight in beholding the glo– ry ofChrifi:, and ofGod in him; ofthat ard~ncyof Affections wherewith they cleave unto him, and continual exultation of fpirit, whereby they triumph in the praifes of God, that are in all the members of it? To enter into this Aifembly by Faith, to joyn with it in the affignation of praifes unto him that fits on the Throne, and to the Lamb for e·ver more, to la– bour after a frame of heart in holy Affections, and fpiritual Delight, in fome correfpondency with that which is in the Saints above, is the duty, and ought to be the defign of the Church of Believers here below. So much as we are far– thered and ailified herein by our prefent Ordinances,fo much benefit and advantage have we by them, and no m·ore. A con11ant view of this glory, will cafi: contempt on all the defi– rable things of this world, and deliver our mind~ from any dreadful apprehe'nfions ofwhat is moil terrible therein. 2. This Heavenly Worihip in the San&uary above, ad– minifired by the High Priefi: over the Houfe ofGod, is confp~. . .CU0/1//y ' '