ofChrifl in Hea1Jen:.: 34; tllott_/ly Glorious. The Glory of God is the great end of it, as fhall be immediately dedared ; that is, the manifefl:ation of ' it. · The manifd1ation of the Glory of God 'confifl:s really in· the effefrs ofhis infinite Wifdom, Goodnefs,.Grace and Pow– er; declaratively in the exprefs acknowledgment of it with. praife. Herein therefore doth the folemn Worlhip of God in.the Sanfruary above confifl:; fetting afide·only the imme– ate aCiing,s of Chrifl: in his lnterceflion. It it a glorious ex– prefs acknowledgment of the Wifdom, Love, Goodnefs,. Grace andPower of God, in the Redemption, Sancrificatioa ·and Salvation of the Church by Jefus Chrift, ·with a conti– nual Afcription of all Divine Honour unto him in the way of praife. For the manner of its performance, our prefent light into it,; is but dark and obfcure. Some things have an: evidence in them. As, I. That there is nothingcarnal in it, or fuch things as are· fuited unto the fancies and imaginations of men. In · the thoughts of Heaven, mofi perfons are apt to frame Images in their minds of fuch carnal things as they fuppofe they could be delighted withal. But they are far remote from the· Woril1ip ofthis Holy Affembly. The Wodhip ofthe Gofpet which is fpiritually Glorious, makes a nearer approach un- . to it, than that of the iemple which was outwardly and car:-– nally fo~ 2. It is not meedy mental; ortranfatted on·ly in the filent· thoughts of each individual perfon. For as we have il1ewed it is the Worihip of aChurch Affembly wherein they have all Communion and Joyne in the performance of it. We know– not .well the way and manner of Communication .between .Angels & the Spirits ofjufl Mo1 made perfecr.It is expreifed irn the Scripture byVoices, Pofiures and Geflures;which although they are not of the fame Nature as abfolutely ours are, yet .are they really fignificant of the things they would exprefs, and~