346 Tl;e Exercije of the MediatGry Office and a means ofmutual Communication. Yea I know not how far God may give them the ufe of Poice and Words, whereby to exprefs his praife, as Mofes talked with Chrifl, at his trans}ig,uration, Matth. 17. 3· Buttherriannerofit is fuch, as whereby the whole Affembly above do joyntly fet forth and celebrate the praifes ofGod. And the Glory hereofcon. fifis in three things. 1. The Blej[ed and Beautiful Order of all things in that SanB:uary. Joh defcribes the Grave beneath to be a Place without any Order, and where the Light is as 'Darknefs, Chap. 10. 22. All above is Order and Light; every Perfon and thing in its proper Place and exercife. (r.) Heaven it felf is a Temple, a SanEfuary, made fo by the efpecial Prefence of God, and the miniilration of Chrifi in the Tabernacle of his Humane Nature. (2) God is on the Tbrone ofGrace; glo– riouily exalted on the account of his Grace, and for the dif– penfation of it. To the Saints above he is on the Throne of Grace, in that they are in the full Enjoyment of the effects of his Grace, and do give Glory unto him on the account there– ·Qf. He is fo alfo with refpefr unto the Church here below,. in the continual Communications of Grace and Mercy· through Chrifi. ( 3.) The Lord Chr.ifiin his Humane Na · ture is before the Throp;e, actin~ his lVfediato(y Office and Power in behalf of the Chu~ . (4) All the Holy Angels in the various Orders and Degrees of their lJ!finifiration, are about the Throne continually So (5 .) are · the Spirits of juJl men made perfect, in the various meafures of Light and Glory. And thefe things were obfcurely reprefented in the Order of the Church at its firfi Erection in the \Vildernefs ; · for the Ordinances of God ::tmong them '\Vere patterns or figures ofheaven things, Heb.9.25. (r)In themidfiwas the T.~J berna::le or . 1ary ''-'t1ich reprefented the Sanctuary or Temple apov 1r (~ .)\ In J:he meft holy place, were the Ark \. f \ ~ . X l and I 1 (-