Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

ofChrifl in Hea1Jen.· 549 There are three things in all our Worfhlp that would hin· · ·der its accefs unto God, and acceptance with him, as alfo keep off Comfort and Peace from our confciences. The firfi: is thefin or iniquity that cleaves unto it; fecondly, the weak– nefs or imperfection that at befl: ,is in it; and thirdly, the un– ·worthinefs of the perfons by whom it is performed. . With re– ference unto thefe things the Law could never confummate or perfect the confciences of them that came unto Goci by the Sacrifices of it.But there are f1ree things in.theSacerdotal Minifl:ration of Chrifi,that removes and takes them all away, whereort we have accefs with boldnefs unto God. And they are (I.) The Influence of his Oblation. (2:) The Efficacy of his Interceffion; and (3 .) TheDignity ofhis Perfon. Through the firfi of thefe he bears and takes away all the iniquity of our holy things; as Aarondid typically of old, by vertue of the Plate of Gold, with the Name of God, (a figure ofChrifi) on his forehead, Exod. 28. 36,37,38. He hath made Attonement for them in the blood of his Oblation, and they appear not in the Prefence of God. Through thefecond, or the Efficacy of his Interceffion, he gives acceptance unto our prayers and ho– ly worfhip, with power and prevalency before God For this is that lncenfe whofe fmoak or fweet perfume~comes up with -the prayers of all Saints unto the Throne of God. Through the third, or the Dignity of his Perfon, wherein he appears as . theReprefentative of his whole Myfiical Body, he takes away from our confciences that fenfe of our own vilenefs and un– worthinefs, · which would not fuffer us to approach with boldnefs unto the Throne of Grace. In thefe things conlifl:s the l~fe of the Worihip of the Church, of all Believers, without which as it would not be acceptable unto God, fo we could · have neither peace nor confolation in it our fe\ies. 4· Herein hath the Church that is Triumpbant,communi0n with that which is yet Militant. The Aifembly .1bove have Y y 2 not · ,