J5o, The Exelcife ofthe Mediatory 0fjice , not loft their conce.rnment in the Church here below. As we reioyce in their Glory, Safety and Happinefs, that having paf– fed through the fiorms and tempefis, the te~ptations, fu.ffe– rings and dangers ofthis life and world, as they are harboured in eternal 'Glory unto the Praife ofGod in Chrifi ; fo are they full of affeEtions towards their Brethren exercifed with the· fame Temptations, Difficulties and Dangers which they have· 12a.ffed through, with earnefi defires for theirdeHverance,and fafety. vVherefore when they behold the Lord Jefus Chrifi,as the great High Priefl over theHoufe~fGod, prefentingtheir }?rayers, with all their Holy Wor'!hip unt-o him, rendriAg them acceptable by the inrcenfe of his own Interceffion, it fills them·· with fatisfaB:ion,. and continually excites them unto the ailig:: iJtationofPraife, and. Glory, and Honour unto him. This is the· fiate of the Saints above,.. with refpefr unto the Church here·. below. This is all which may be herein afqibed unto them~and this may fafdy be fo./ What fame have fancied about their ownperfonal Intrercejfion, a.nd that forparticular perfons., ·is derogatory unto the Honour of lefusChrift,and inconfifient· . with their prefent Condition. Bur in thefe thirngs comftft their CommulfJion with the Church herebdow. A Lv·vethey have· unto it, from their Union.with 1t in the f-ame Myftica.l Body, $phef I. I .o. A fenfo they have of its 'Condition fr'Om-the expe-– rience they had ofit in the daies oftheid1e.lh. A great concern- _ ment they have for the Glory of God in them, and a fervent ·– defire of their eternal Salvation. They know that without· them they ihall not be abfolutely confummate or made perfe& in their whole Perfons, Rev.6. !I I. In this ftate of things, they v:ontinually behold the Lord Jefus Chrifi,prefentiog their Prayers before the Throne ofGrace, making interceiiion forthem, appeari~g ~to .rlea? thei~ c~ufe againfi all ·~heir·- ~dv~rfariesjl., · tranfachng all the1r aff3:1rs m the prefence of God 2 t takmg care' · Sal'v-ationthatnotoneo~r lha~~~ h~u~n~·~- _ . , K\ '----lf_l_~-- ,"'~ I . - /