ofChrifl in J-!ea1Jen~ . 35I tinually fills themwith an holy fatisfa&ioq and complacency~ an~ is a great part ofthe fubje& matter of their inc~Ucmt prai– fes ~nd afcriptions of Glory unto him. Here.in lies the con· cernipent of the Church above in that here below ; this is the· Corn union that is between them, whereof the Perfon of ChriD: ·.n the difcharge of his Office ·is the bond and center. 5. T · ere is herein a full manifeflatiott made of the Wi4fom of God, ·n all the holy Infritutions of the Tabernacle and Temple old. Herein the Vail is fully taken off from them, and that o~· ~. ure reprefentat~on of.heavenly t.hi~gs is bro\]ght forth unto · ght and Glory. It IS true, th1s 1s done unto a great degrdb ·n the difpenfation of the Gofpel. By the coming; ofChrifi: i . tH~flefh, andthe difcharge of his Mediatory Of– fice in this · or . , .the fubfiance ofwhat they did prxfigure is. accomplifl d. A . in the Revelations ofthe Gofpel,the nature and end o them · declared.. Howbeit they extended their fignificati . a1fo udio·thiflgs within the Fait, or the difcharge of the Pn,efily Offi~e 9f Chrifr in the heavenly Sanctuary,. HeP. 9· 2 . Where~J'e'as we have not yet a Perfefrion of Light to nderfiand tlif_ depth of the Myfieries contained in · them; fc ,themfelvesfi¥o were not abfolutely fulfilled until the Lor Chr·ifr dlfc}:larged his Office in the Holy Place. This. is the G. ory {)f the ~atte!r which Go~ ihewed unto Mofes ~n the Mo~nt, made,tonfp1~ous .and ev1dent u11to all. Therela efpecia ·y rlo the Saints r; ·the Old iej}ament who were exer., cifedal their daies intho ~Typical Infiitutions,. whofe. end and de. gn they could not\ comprehend ; fee the mamfold. Wifdo and Goodnefs of Clod in them all, rejoycing.in them for eve more. ' · ,. 6. ll that the Lord Chriil: receives of the Father on the·· accou of this holy Interpofition and Mediation for the" Churd ,he is endowed withSoveraig,n Authority andAlmighty Po.wer i\1 himfelt. o executeand accornplifh. Therefore ·is he' ; -· - - [aid . - ')