of C!Jrifl in Hea1Jerz: · ' 3)) ofHeaven and its prefent Glory, which the Scripture offerS unto us. But alas how weak, how dark, how low, are our conceptions and apprehenfions of thefe heavenly things? we fee yet as througl1 a glafs darkly, and kno.w but in part. The time.is approaching when weihall fee thefe things with .open face, and know even as we are known. The befl im– provement we can q1ake of ~his profpeet, .whilfl Faith fup~ plies the place of future fight, is to be fiirred up thereby un– to holy longit-tgs after a participation in this Glory, and con– fiant diligence in that holy Obedience whereby we may ar- · rive thereunto. · What remainetl1 yet to be fpoken on· this fubJefr, hath re– fpefr unto thefe two enfuing Propoiitions. I, All the t;:£fecrs ofthe Offices ofChrifi, Internal-, Spiritual and Eternal, in Grace andGlory; all external fruits of their dif.. penfation in providence towards the Church, or its Enemies,. are wrought oyDivine Power; or are the effeB:s of ari ema– nation ofPo :.ver from God. They p.re all wrought b_,'V the ex– ceeding, Greatnefs ofhis.Power,e·ven as he wrought in Chri/l him– ftlf when he raiftdhimfrom the dead, Ephef. I 18. For all the· outward works ofGod,fuch as all thef~ are,whichare wrought in and for the Church, are neceffarilyimmediate effeCts.of Di~ vine Power;' nor can be of another Nature. . 2. Upon fuppofition of the Obedience ofChrifl in this life,, and the·Attonement made by his Blood for·fin, with his exalta– tion thereon, there is nothing in ariy eifential property of the Nature ofGod,. nothing iqthe eternal unchangeable Law of .. Obedience to hinder,but that God might work all thefe things. in us unto his ownHonour and Glory, in the eternal Sj lvation of the Church,and the deflrucrion ofall its Enemies, without a continuimce of the Adminiflration of the Of/ices of Chrifl in. Heaven, and all that facredfolemnity ofWor.fhip, wherewith. •c it is accompanied. · Thefe.