Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

\' 354 The Exercife of the Mediatory Office Thefe things b.ei~g certain and evident, we may enqui~~ thereon, whence 1t 1s that God bath ordered the continuation of all theft things in Heaven above, feeing thefe Ends might .have been accomplifhed without them, by immed1ate acts of Divine Power. · The great Works ofGodare fought out ofthem that haveplea– Jure in tkem, Pfal. I I 1. 2. This therefore being agreat work of God,wh1ch he bath wrought and revealed unto us,efpecially in tile effects and fruits of it, and that for the mariifefl:ation of his ·lVifdom and Grace, it is our Duty to enquire into it with all humble deligence. For revealed things belong unto us and our Children,that we may,do theWillofGodfor our good. Wherefore, I. God would have it fo, for the manifeflation of his own ·Glory. This is the firfi great End ofall the works of God.That it is fo, is a fundamental principle ofbur Religion. Andhowhis 1 1 Vorks clo glorijj him is our Duty to enquire. The effential Glo– ry of God is alwaies the fame, eternal and immutable. It is the Being of God, with that refpecr which all creatures ·have unto it. For Glory adds a fuppofition ofRelation unto Being.· - But the manifefiations of his Glory are varioifs, according to the pleafure of his Will. \:Vherefore that which he chufeth to manifefi his Glory in and by at one time,he may ceafe from ufing it unto that End at another. For its being a means ofthe manifefiation of his Glory, may depend on 1uch circumfian · ces, fuch a fl:ate of things, which being removed;it ceafeth to be. So of Old he manifefied and reprefented his Glory in the 7a6ernar:/e andTemple, and the hol;t pledges of his prefence in them, and was glorified in all the \vorfl1ip of the Law. But now he ceafeth fo to do,nor is any more honoured by the fer– vices and ceremonies of Religion therein prefcribed. If the whole j}ruClure of the Temple . and all its beautiful fervices, were now in being on the Earth, no Glory would redound un– to God thereby,he would receive none from it. To expe& the , · . , Glory ,