Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

356 Tl;e Exercife of tl:>e Mediatory Office Their ftate in Heaven was fuited unt~ t!1eir Faith and Worihip on the Earth. They hadno clear dd1mcr knowledge of the Incarnation and I\1ediatory Office of Chrif1, by their Revela– tions and Services. Only they believed that the Promife of deliverance, ofGrace and Mercy, fh~uld be in and by him ac– complifhed. Their Reception into Heaven, that which they were n:ade meet and pre~ared fot by their Faith and Worfl1ip, was fmted thereunto. 1 hey had a Meffed Refl anclHappinefs above whatwecan comprehend; for who knows what it is to be in the glorious Prefence ofGod, though at the greatefl: difiance? They were not immediately furprized with an ap– pearance of that Glory which they had no difiincr apprehen- . iions of in this \Vorld. Neither they nor the Angels knew dearl)\ either the,fufferings ofChrifl, or the Glory that fhould enfue. But they faw and knew that there was yet fomething farther to be done in Heaven and Earth, as yet hid in Godand the Counfels of his Will, for the exaltation of his Glory in the compleat Salvation of the Church~ This they continued ' waiting .for, in the-Holy Place of their refrdhment ~bove.: Faith gave them, and it give us an entrance into the Prefence .ofGod, and makes us meet for it. But what they immedi– ately enjoyed, did not in its whole kind exceed what their Faith direcred unto; no more cloth ours. Wherefore they were not prepared for a view of the prefentGlory of Heaven;: nor did enjoy it. But the Saints under the New Tefiament, who are clearly infiruEted by the Gofpel in the Myfieries of the Incarnation and Mediation of Chrifi,are by their Faith and V:lorfhip made meetfor an immediate entrance into this Glory. This they long for, this they expect and are fecured of, fr?m the Prayer ofour Saviour; that theymay le, when they leave this world, , w~ere he is, to hhold his Glory. But now upon the entrance ofChrifl into the Heavenly Smr– lluary,. all thofe Holy Ones were admitted into the fame– Gloryll'