Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

of Chrifl in Hea1J.en" 357 Glory,with what the Saints under theNewTefiament do en· joy. Hereon with open face they behold the ufe & end of thofe · Tjpicai Services & Ordinances wherein thefe things were fha~ ' dowed out unto them. No heart can conceive that ineftable addition of Glory which they received hereby. The Myfie– ry of the W1fdom and Grace of God in their Redemption and Salvation by Chrifi was now fully reprefented unto them ; what they had prayed for, longed for, and defired to fee in the daies of their flefh on the Earth, and waited for fo long in Hecrven, was now glorioufly made manifefi unto them. Here– on did glorious tight and bleffed fatisfatl:ion come into and up– on all thofe ble/led fouls, who died in the Faith, but had not received the Promife, only beheld it afar ofE And hereby did God greatly manifefi his own Glory in them and unto them, which is the firfl: end of the continuation of this flate of things in Heaven. This makes me judge that the 'feafon of Chnfis entrance into Heaven as the Hofy Sanctuary of God, was the greateil: inil:ance of created Glory, that-ever was or ever fhall be unto the confummation of all things. And this as for other reafons, fo becaufe all the'holyfouls who had de– parted in the Faith from the Foundation of the \Vorld, \V ere then received into the glorious light of the Counfels of God, - · and knowledge .of the effects of his Grace by JefusChrifi. \Vant of a dueapprehenfion of the Truth herein_, bath eau· fed many, efpecially thofe of the Churcb of Rome, to follow after vain Imaginations about the Cate ofthefouls o/the Faith– ful departed under the Old Tefiament. Generally they fhut them up in a Subterranean l imbw, whence they were deli– vered by the defcent of Cbrifl:. But it is contrary ucto all Notions and Revelations of the refpefr ofGod unto his Peo· ple; contrary to the Life and NatureofFaith, that thofe \vho have paffed through their courfe·of Obedience in this ·world, and finifl1ed the ·work given unto them, fhould not enter upon Z z 2 their