of Chrift in Hea1'en: expofed unto reproach,contempt and i11ame,with all the evils that Satan or the world could bring upon him. And befides, he was for us, and in our fiead to undergo the Curfe of the Law, with the greatd1: of terrors and 1orrows in his foul, until he g1Ve up the Ghofi. Thefe things were neceffary un– to the dtkharge of his Office, nor could the Salvation of the Church be wrought ouf without them. But do we think that God would commit fo glorious an Office unto his on!J Son to be difcharged in this manner only? let it be granted that after he had fo accomplifhed the Will of God in this world, he had himfelf entred into Glory; yet if he fl1ould fo ceafe the Ad– minifiration of his Office, that mufi be looked on as the moil: a_ffliclh·e and dolorous that ever was undergone. But it was the defign of God to glorify the Ojjice it Je!f, as an effeCt of his Wifdom, and himfelf therein; yea fo as that the veryOf fee -it felf fl1ould be an everlaf1 ing ~onour to his Son as In– carnate. Unto this end the adminifrration of it is continued in Glory in his hand, and he is exalted in the difcharge of it. For this is that Glory which he prays that all his Dif– ciples may be brought unto him to behold. The time be- ~ tween his Afcenfion, and the end ofall things is allotted unto the Glory of Chrifi in the adminifiration of his Office in the heavenly SanCtuary. And from hence cloth the ApofHe prove him as an H)g,h Pri'efl, to be far more glorious than thofe who were ~lled unto that Office under the Law, Hd;. 8. r, 2, 3· Heyein it is manifefl: unto Angels and men, how glorious a-thing it is to be the only King, Prieil: and Prophet of the Church. 'Vherefore as it behoved Chrifl: in the dif– charge of his Office to fuffer; fo after his fufferings in the difcharge of the fame Office he was to enter into his Glory) Re,v. I. 18. Thirdly, God hath refpecr herein unto thofe who le– part in the Faith, in their refpective Generations, efpecially . thofe