Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

'3 '6 2 . 'The Exercife of the Mediatory Office thofe who dyed -betimes, as the Apofiles and Primitive Chrifiians. And fundry things may be herein confidered. Thre are t.wo t?ings 1 which Be!ievers put a great price and value -onm dus wond, and which fweeten every condi– tion unto them. Without them the world would be a noi~ fome dungeon unto them, nor could they be fatisfied with a. ·continuance therein. The one is thefervice Pf Chrifl. With– {)l:lt an -Opportunity ofbeing exercifed herein, they could not abide here with any fatisfaction. They who know it not fo to be, are under the power of worldJy-mindednefs. The mear1df Jervice of Chrifl bath refrefl1ment in it. And as to thofe \vho have opportunities and abilities for greatinilances offervice, they do not know on jufi: .grounds, nor are able to .determine themfelves, whether it be befi for diem to con– tinue in theirfer·vice here below, ·or to enter into the imme– diate fervice of.Chrifi aboye; fo glorious, fo excellent is it to be ufeiuliy ferviceable unto the Lord Jefus. So was it with the Apo!l:Ie, Phi!. r. 2r, 22,25, 24,25, 26. fo may it be with others if they ferve him in the fame Spirit, with the fame fincerity, though their ability in fervice be not like unto his. For neither had he any thing but what he received. Again, they have the enjoyment of Chrifl in the Ordinances <?f Gofpel-worfl1ip. By thefe means do they live, in thefe things is tr.e life of their fouls. In tlr~s fiate of things God will not call ·them hence unto their lofs; he will .not put an end unto thefe priviledges with– out an abundant recompence and advantage. Whatever we enjoy here, yet flill to depart hence and to be with Chrifl ihall be far htter, Phil. r. 2 5· _For, 1. Although fi:.rvice here below {hall ceafe., and be given over unto other hands who are to have their f11are herein; yet · on ·the continuahce of this fbrte of things in Heaven, there is alfo a .continuation offervice unto Chrifi, · in a way inexpref.