Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

of C!Jri.ft in !-leaven.· ·36) preffibly' mor~ glorious, than what we are in this. life capable o£ Upon tlieir admittance into this fiate of thmgs above:,. they are before the Throne of God, andferve him day and night in his Temple, and h~ that fttteth on the 1hrone :f11aJj dwelf among them, Rev. 7· 1 5· The. whol~ !late . of the glorious Wori11ip of God before defcnbed, ts here refpecred; .and herein is a continual fervice perfoni1ed unto him that fits on the Throne and unto theJ:amb. \Vherfore it is fo far froffi' being lofs, in being ca-lled off from jervice l1ere below, as that in point ofJervice it felt~ it is an mcon– ceiveable advancement. 2. The Enjoyment of (Jjrifi in. and hy_the Ordin~Hces of his~Ttf/orjhip, is the immediate Fountain and Spring ot all our Refrei11ments and confolat~ions in this world, Pfal. 87. 7· But what is it unto the :bleffed immediate injoyment of him·J.n Heaven? Hence the Bleifednefs of the fiate above is defcribed, by /Jeing with ·Chrijl, being with (hrifl for ·e41~r, in the prefence and immediate enjoyment of him. · The Light of the Stars is ufeful and relieving in a dark night as we are on our way, but what are they when the Sun arifeth ? Will any man think it a lofs that upon the rifing of the ~un · they :f11all not enjoy their Light any m,9l'e, t~ough ~ the night they ]mew not what. to have~aon~ _wlthGut 1t? )t may . be we can!lot concetve ho\l( 1t~ be befi: for,us; to forego the ufe ot Sacraments, Miniffry~n~ the Scriptur~ it felf B~t all th.e vertu~ of the Hreal;ns 1S m ,the Fountam; and the 1mmed1ate enJoyment ofCh'rifl:, UI)fpeakably exceeds whatever by any means we can be ~epartakers of here below. In this blefTedJl:ate :have the holy Apoftles, all the primitive Mar!) rs and BeJievets ffcm the·rjme of their dif!olution, en– joyed f~ll fatisfachon 3nd folace, in the glorious Aflembly above, Rev. 7· 1 ), 16~ 17. &c. ' A a a 2. Hereby