Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

. ·, l "'I of C/;rifl in Hea'Ve1t.~ 3~? .- Yefhereon fome deny that there is tiny fuch Communion . . ·between the members ohhe Church, or the Myfiical Body! .of Chrift in thefe divers ftates. And they fuppofe it is · fo Q.~.clared in that ·of the Prophet, /fa. 63. 16~ Dou!Jtlefs, thou art our Father, though Ahrahqm !Je ignorant of lM, and Jftael . ttcknowledge ur not. But there is not.tiing of any fuch impor~ tance i~ thefe words. The Church under a deep fenfe ot its prefent ftate, in its unworthy walking and multiplied provo– cations, profefs themfelves.-to be fuch, as· that their tore-fa· thers in Covenant could not own them as their Children and pofierity in the Faith~ Hereupon they appeal unto the lnji- _ nite Mercy and Faithfulnefs of God, which extend th~mfelves even unto that condition of unwor~hinefs, which was enough to render them utterly difowned by the beil: of men, Jwwever otherwife concerned .in therb. But to fuppofe the Church a!Jove which hath paffed through its .courfe ofFaith and Obedience icr Affiifrions, Tribulations and l?erfecutions, to be ignorant of the ftate of the Church here · bclow in ge– Jteral, aod inconcemed in it; to be withoutdefires ofits fuc– cefs, deliverance and profperi.ty unto the Gloryof Chrifi, is to lay them a./leep. in a fenfeiefs ilate without the exercife of . any Grace, or any lntereft in the Glory'Of God. And if they cry for vengance on the obdurate perfecuting world, Rev.6:. 1 o. fl1all we fuppofe they have no ~onfiderati~n nor knowledge 'of the ftate of the Church fuffering the fame things which they did thernfelves. And to put it out of ~thdn, they ·are minded of it in the next verfe · by Chrifl himfelf, -verfe I I. . But that which at prefent I alone intend,is the joyntCommu– nion of the whole Church in the Worf11ip of God in Chrift \Vere all that die in the Lord, immediately received into thatftai:e wherein God jhall he All in All, \Vithout any ufe . of the Mediation of Chrift:, or the \Vor·il1ip of Praife and Aa a. 2 . Honoul' " .