3.66 T/;e Exercife of the Mediatory 0{fee Honour given unto God by him, without being exercifed· in the Afcnption of Honour, _Glory; Power and Dominion un:– to him on the account of the pail: and prefent Difcharge of his Office, there could be no Communion between them . and us. But \vhilil: they are in the San[/uary .in the. Temple. of God, in the Holy Wodhip of Chriil: and. of God in. him,' and we are not only employed in the fame work in facred . Ordinances fuited unto our fiate and condition,, but in the. performance of our Duties, do oy Faith. enter. in within the. Vai/,and approach unto.the fameThrone.ofGrace in themoft Hely Plac;e, thereisaSpiritual Communionbetween them arid. us.. So the Apoflle expreifeth it,. He!J: 12.22, 2),, 24. . 3. It is the way that God. h~th ap}?ointed. to prepare the h{){y fouls alJo;ve for the Enj0)1ment of that eternalfh:te which ]hall enfue at the End of all things. As we are here in and by the Word and other:,Ordina~ces prepared and made meet . for the prefent fiate of things in Glory ; fo are they by the · Iemple Worjh.ip of I-Jeaven fitted for that frate ofthings·whea .Chrifr fl1all gJve up the Kingdom unto the Father, that God~ -may be All in- AlL . - Fourthly; Refpell: iSo had· herein- unto the Faith of tht: Churchyet Milita,nt on the Earth, and that among_others,., in, two things. , . . L For theencou-ragement oftheir Faith. God·could as ~·e have .obferved, upon the fuppofition of the Attonement· .and Reconciliatif>n .made by the blood of Cht,~fi, have fa~ · ved. the Church. by meer Sovetaign. Afls of P'awer. But whereas it was unto his Glory that we lhould-be· fa.ved in the.- way of Faith and Q/;edience, this way was.·necelfary ,unto our en£ourag~ment therein. For it is in the Nature ·of Faith,. it is a Grace fuited unto that End, to feek for and re~ aeive Aid, Hdp andRelief, from God continually,_ toenabl~; us.unto Obedience- -