Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

- ' 2 6 ~r!?e Per[on of C!Jrift the 1?1ofl Ineffable myfiery it is, fo far above the order of all creating or pro– vidential operations, that it wholly tranfcends the fphere of them that ar~ mofl miraculous. Herein did God glorifie all the Properties of the Divine Nat9te, acting in a way of infinite Witdom, Grace and Condefcenfion. 'The depths of the myfiery hereof, are open GVly unto him whofe under– ftandmg is infinite, which no created underfianding can com– prehend. All other things were produced and effected by _ an outward emanation of 1\>ower from God: · H~Jaid, Let , there !Je Light, and there was Lig,ht. But this affumption of our Nature into Eiypoflatical Vnion with the Son of God, this confritution of one and the fame Individual Perfon in two Natures fo infinitely difiinct, as thofe of God and Man, whereby th~ Eternal was made in time, the Infinite became Pittite, thelmmortal, Mortal, yet continuing Eternal,Infinite, Immorta~, is that fingular expreffion of Divine Wifdom, Goodnefs' ~nd Power, wherein God will be admired and glo– rified unto ·~11 eternity. Herein w~ change introduced into the wh~le firfi Creation, whereby the ble{fed Angels were exalted,Satari and.his works ruined,Mankind recovered , from a difmal Apofracy, all things made new, all things in Heaven and Earth reconciled _and gathered into one Head, and a revenue of Eternal Glory raifed unto God, incompa· rably above what the firfi confl:itution of all -things in ·the orderofNature, could yield unto him. _ In the expreilion of this myfiery the Scripture cloth fome- - times draw the vai{over it, as that which we cannot look into. So in his conception of the Virgin with refpefr unto this Union which accompanied it, it was told her, that the Power of the Highefl jhould over.fhadow her., Luke 1. H· A work it was of the Power of the mqft High, but hid from the eyes of men in the nature of it ; and therefore that holy thing which had no Subfifience of its own, which ihould be · born