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108 EVIDENCES OF DEVINE WISDOM. CHAP. XVII. OTHER EVIDENCES OF DIVINE. WISDOM, IN THE CONTRIVANCE OF THE WORK OF REDEMPTION IN AND Hy THE PERSON OF CHRIST, IN EFFECTS EVIDENCING A CONDECENCY THEREONTO. THAT which remains of our present inquiry, is con- cerning those evidences of divine condecency or suit- ableness unto infinite wisdom and goodness, which we may gather from the nature of this work, and its effects, as expressed in divine revelation. Some few instances hereof I shall chase out from amongst many that might be insisted on. i. Manwas made to serve God in all things. In his person, in his soul and body, in all his faculties, powers and senses,' in all that was given unto him or intrusted with him, he was not his own, but every way a servant, in all that he was, in all that he had, in all that he did or was to do. This he was made for, this state and condition was necessary unto him as a creature. It could be no otherwise with any that was so; it was so with the angels, who were greater in dignity and power than man. The very name of creature includes the condition of universal subjection and service unto the Creator. This condition in and by his sin, Adam de- signed to desert, and to free himself from. He would exalt himselfout of the state of service and obedience, absolute and universal, intoa condition ofselfsufficiency ofdomination and rule. He would be as God, like unto God, that is, subject no more to him, be in no more dependence on him, but advrince his own will above the will of God. And there is somewhat of this in every sin; the sinner would advance his ownwill in opposition unto, and above the will of God. But what was the event hereof? Man, by endeavouring to free himself from absolute subjection and universal service, to invade absolute dominion, fell into absolute and eternal ruin. For our recovery out of this state andcondition, con- sidering howwecast ourselves into it, the way insisted onwas found out by divine wisdom, namely, the incar- nation of the Son of God. For he was Lord of all, had absolute dominion overall, owed no service, no obedi- ence for himself, being in theform of God, and equal unto him. From this state of absolute dominion he descended into a condition of absolute service. As Adam sinned and fell, by leaving that state of absolute service which was due unto him, proper untohis nature, inseparablefrom it, to attempt a state of absolute do- minion, which was not his own, not due unto him, not consistent with his nature; so the Son of God being made the second Adam, relieved us, by descending from a state of absolute dominion, which was his own, due unto his nature, to take on him a state of absolute ser- vice, which was not his own, nor due unto him. And this being inconsistent with his own divine nature, he performed it, by taking our nature on him, making it his own. He descended as much beneath himself, in his self-humiliation, as Adam designed to ascend above himself, in his pride and self-exaltation. The consideration of the divine grace and wisdom herein, the apostle proposeth unto us, Phil. ii. Ii, 7, 8. °i Whobeing in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God; but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of man; and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death ofthe cross." Adam being in the form, that is, the state and condition of a servant, did by robbery, attempt to take upon him the formof God, or to make himself equal unto him. The Lord Christ being in the form of God, that is, his essential form of the same nature with him, accounted it no robbery to be in the state and condition of God, to be equal to him. But being made in the fashion of a man, taking on him our nature, he also submitted unto the form, or the state and condition of a servant therein. He had dominion over all, owed service and obedience unto none, being in the form of God, and equal unto him, the condition which Adam aspired unto. But he condescended unto a state of absolute subjection and service for our recovery. This did no morebelong unto him on his own account, than it belonged unto Adam to be like unto God, or equal to him. Where- fore it is said, that he humbledhimself unto it, as Adam would have exalted himself unto a state of dignity, which was not his due.