Owen - BX9315 O81

PREFACE: xlil Demonst. Evang. lib. se. cap. 5. 4c. ÿew Si ewrbs iA: , [eta xccì n ergo ßo5ì, ó¡eÚ , ai xará ei ei rà zarayáii, pi, area, ge- rlY,ElaÓ ighxa airs, agin h a¢gwaí,s, Trial's; h ÿ,, aÚyEl ai earà, %. 5.ti At, ¿s in Úw09.661, 5/ya, ,eaads ëga00 morás aa¡c- earyç Amos err ànsge,rolç bei yÑç nreÀE,e,ede,, ;Am ern ben oft y,s wine, Cn a$o.eagen moron 6o55ítnn iraPli a, ó(eÚ %a(. C4'vxu, odeta et et goals wgecAo4 álae9agnowciuo . The sense of which words, with some that follow in the same place, is unto this purpose: " By the beams of the sun, light, and " life, and heat, unto the procreation, sustentation, re- " freshment, and cherishing of all things, are commu- nicated. But if the sun itself should come down un- " to the earth, nothing could bear its heat and lustre; " our eyes would not be enlightened, but darkened by " its glory, and all things he swallowed up and con- " slimed by its greatness; whereas through the beams "of it every thing is enlightened and kindly refreshed. " So is it with this eternal beam or brightness of the " Father's glory. We cannot bear the immediate ap- preach of the divine Being, but through him as in- " carnate are all things communicated unto us, in " a way suited unto our reception and comprehension." So is it admired by Leo, Senn. 3. de Nativit. Natura humana in Creatoris societatem assumpta est, non ut ille habitator, et ille esset habitaculum; sedut naturæ alteroe sic misceretur altera, ut quamvis alía sit gum suscipitur, alía vero.quer suscepit, in tantam tarnen unitatem conven- iret utriusque diversitas, et onus idemquesit Filius qui se, et secundum quod vents est homo, Patre dicit minorera, et secundum quad vents est Deus Patri seprafitetter cequa- lem. " Human nature is assumed into the society of " the Creator, not that he should be the inhabitant, "and that the habitation" (that is, by an inhabitation in the effects of his power and grace, for otherwise the fulness of the Godhead dwelt in him bodily) " but that one nature should be so mingled" (that is, conjoined) " with the other; that although that be of one kind " which assumeth, and that ofanother which is assum- " ed; -yet the diversity of them both should concur in " such an unity or union, as that it is one and the same " Son, who as he was a true man, said that he was less " than the Father, or the Father was greater than he; " so as he was true God, professeth himself equal unto, " the Father." See also August. de fide, ad Pet. Dia- con. cap. 17. Justinianus Imperator Epist. ad.Hormis- dam, -Romeepiscop. .. And the mystery is well expressed by Maxentius Bib- both. Pats. par. prima. Non confundimos naturarum diversitatem; veruntamen Christum non ut tu asseris Deum factum, sed Dews factum Christum confitemur. Quia non cura pauper esset, dives factus est; sed cum dives esset, pauperfoetus est, ut nos divitesfaceret ; ne-. que enim cum esset informa servi, formam Dei abcepit; sed cunt esset informa Dei, formant serviaccepit; sim- iliter etiam nec, cum esset caro, Verb= estfactum ; -sed cum esset Verbaut tarofactum est. ;l We do not con " found the diversity of the natures, howbeit we believe " not what you affirm, that Christ was made God, but " we believe that God was made Christ. For he was, " not made rich when he was poor; but being rich, he " was made poor, that he might make us rich. He did " not take the form ofGod, when he was in the form " of a servant; but being in the form of God, he took. " on him the formof a servant. ln like manner, he was, " not made the Word when he was flesh; but being the " Word, he was made flesh." And Hicrom speaking of the effects of this mystery, Comment. in Ezekiel, cap. 46. Ne rai etur lector si idem et Princeps est et Sacerdos, et vitulis, et aries, et agnus; cumin scripturis sandis pro varietate,causarunp: legamas Casa Dominum, et Deum et hominem, et Pro-. phetant, et virgant, et radicem, et f sent, et Principem, et Regemjustum, etjustitiam, Apostolum, et Episcopten,_ brachium, servum, Angeluni, Pastoresa, Filinm, et uni-. genitum, et primogenituna, ostium, viam, sagittam, sa-. pientiam, et multa' olio. lE Let not the reader wonder " if he find one and the same to be the Prince and Ee Priest, the bullock, ram, and lamb; for in the scrip- " ture, on variety of causes, we find him called Lord, " God, and man, the Prophet, a rod, and the root, r the flower, Prince, Judge, and righteousking, right- " Cousues,, the Apostle and Bishop, the arm, and ser- vant of God, the Angel, the Shepherd, the Son, thé " only begotten, the first begotten, the door, the way, " the arrow, wisdom,- and sundry other things." And Ennodius bath as it wereturned this passage of Hierotn into verse. Corda dome, qui nota vider, quern conta tremiseunt; Fons, via, dextra, lapis, virulus, loo, lucifer, agnus; fana, spec, virtus, verbum, supientia, va Ostia, virgultuin, pastor, mans, .rete, colomba, Fiamma, gigas, aquila, sponsus, patientia, n Filins, encelsus, Dominus, Deus ;; omnitChristus. In natatemPapa Epiphanii. e