Owen - BX9315 O81

Rtîl PREFACE. ancient church, namely, that whether (for instance) in 4 theHoly Spirit." Cyril. Alm de rectafide, cap. 32. our solemn prayers and invocations, we call expressly And this they professed themselves to hold and be- on the name of the Father, or of the Son, or of the lieve in that ancient doxology which was first invented Holy Spirit; whether we do it absolutely or relatively, to decry the Arian heresy; " Glory be to the Father, that is, with respect unto the relation of one person to and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost." The the other; as calling on God, as the Father of our Lord some glory do every individual act of its assignation Jesus Christ; on Christ as the Son ofhis love; on the Holy or ascription, is directed unto each person joint- Spirit, as proceeding from them both, we do formally . ty' and distinctly on the account of the same di, invocate and call on the divine nature, andconsequently vine nature in each of them. I need not produce any the whole Trinity, and each person therein. This truth testimonies in the farther confirmationhereof; for in all they principally confirmed with the form of our initia- their writings against the Arians they expressly and tien into Christ at baptism; " I baptize thee in the constantly contend that the Holy Trinity, that is, the name of the Father, and of the Bon, and of the Holy divine nature in three persons, is the individual object Ghost." For as there is contained therein the suns of of all divine adoration, invocation, and all religious all divine honour, so it is directed unto the some name, worship; and that by whatever personal name, as the not the names ofthe Father, Son, and Spirit, which is Father, Son, or Spirit, we call on God, it is God ab- the same Deity or divine nature alone. solutely who is adored, and each person participant of So speak the fathers of the seconnd general council, the same nature. See August. lib. con. Seem. Arian. in their letters unto the bishops of the west; as they are cap. 35. And Epist. 66. red Maximum. expressed in Theodoret lib. 5. cap. 5. This form of For the second thing or the invocation of God by baptism teacheth us, 17:a114s:o sis TD ö.oµa 7-4 aaTes, aal Ts wry personal name, or by theconjunction of the distinct 4: &, aal Ts" äyfs r..iGrares, SaT«ó: &sí ,rleo, l ávrzµs:+s aal &.t«z names of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit together, µ:us Ti; .a,Qes, a«ì ñ ayís ursvaarás, ,rm-wefYO, í,ee, d, TÑs nothing occurs more frequently among them. Yea, it âlire, x ",áís 'lv ßao:r:las, Tgt Ts,,ír:s u. is common to find in their writings prayers begun unto "'l'o believe in the name of the Father, and of the one person, and ended in the name of another; yea, 's Son, and of the Holy Ghost; seeing that the deity, begun unto Christ, and closed in the name of his only " substance, and power of the Father, Son, and Holy begotten Son; it being one and the same divine nature f' Spirit, is one and the same, their dignity equal, their that is called on. Yea, the schoolmen do generally deny 'i kingdom co-eternal in three perfect persons." In that the persons of the Holy Trinity, under the con- nomine dixit, non nominibus, ergo non aliud nomen Pa- sideration of the formal reason which is constitutive of -iris est, &c. quia anus Deus, Ambres. de Spirit. Sauct. their personality, are the formal object and term of di- lib. 1. cap. 14. "000µa 8s ax:,eo Tin 9,1.1,r, Ida,s. o' The vine worship; but in the worship of one they are all one name common to three is the Deity." Gregor. Nazi- worshipped as one God over all blessed for ever. See anzen. Orat. 40. HenceAustin gives it as a rule in speak- Aquin. 22. q. 81. a. 3. ad prima, and q. 84. a. 1. ad ingof theHoly trinity; Quando unas trium in alignopere tertium. Alexand. Alees. p. 3. q. 30. m. 1. a. 3. nominator, universa operosi Trinitas intelligitur.. En- But yet, although we may call on God in and by the chirid. cap. 88. " When one person of the three is name of any divine person, or enumerate at once each " named in any work, the whole Trinity is to be under- person, (2 Tg:ùs zy:a oigiAµuµá.a, Tg:zs f. i,1 i,laagé dg:Aµs aí,, stood to effect it." There is one Lord, one faith, one Epipban. Anchorat. 8. 02.) ' O holy Three enumerate, baptism, according to the scriptures. Wherefore as Three numbered inone name.' It clothnot follow, that there is one faith in Christ, and one baptism of truth we may make a request in our prayers unto one person, although we are baptized, and believe in the Father, and then immediately repeat it unto another: for it would Son, and Spirit, warm sì, alTly, oTµa,, ,lieu, od slyo., µla thence follow, that the personunto whom we make teat orgeoxúvsT:s, 4 ,cares, aal ,a,e4a,maa,v,e l'e aaì eiyía ,rs4µares: request in the second place, wasnot invocated, not called " So plainly in my judgment there is one and the same on, not equally adored with him, who was so called on in 44 adoration o£ the Father, the Son incarnate, and thefirst place, although the divinenature isthe object of