Owen - BX9315 O81

ON- THE GLORY OF CHRIST. 19- we diligently study the scripture, and the revelations that are made of this glory of Christ therein. To be- hold it, is not a work of fancy or imagination. It is not conversing with an image framed by the art ofmen without, or that of our own fancy within; but of faith exercised on divine revelations. This direction he gives us himself, John v. 39.. Search the scriptures, for theyare they that testify ofme. The way whereby this is done, is fully set before us in the example of the holy prophets under the old testament, 1 Pet. i. 1i-13. This principle is always to be retained in our minds in reading of the scripture, namely, that the revelation and doctrine of the person.of Christ and his office, is the foundation whereon all other instructions of the pro- phets and apostles for the edification of the church are built, and whereinto they are resolved, as is declared Ephes. ii. 10 -22. So our Lord Jesus Christ himself at large makes it manifest, Luke xxiv. 26, 27. Lay aside the consideration hereof, and the scriptures are no such thing as they pretend unto; namely a revels. Pon of the glory of God in the salvation of the church; nor are those of the Old Testament so- at this day unto the Jews, who own not this principle, 2 Cor. iii. 13-16. There are therefore such revelations of the person and glory of Christ treasured up in the scripture, from the beginning unto the end of it, as may exercise the faith and contemplation of believers in this world; and shall never, during this life, be fully discoveredor understood; and in divine meditations of these revelations, doth much of the life of faith consist. There are three ways whereby the glory of Christ is represented unto us in the scripture. First, By direct descriptions of his glorious person and incarnation. See among other places, Gen. iii. 15. Peal. ii. 7 -9. Psal. xlv. 2 -6. Psal. lxviii. 17, 18. Psal. cx. Isa..vi. 1 -41. chap. ix. 6. Zech. ii. 8. John i. l -3. Phil.. ii. 6 -8. Heb. i. 1 -3. chap. ii. 14 -16. Rev. i. 17, 18. Secondly, By prophecies, promises, and express in- structions- concerning him, all leading unto the con- templation ofhis glory; which are innumerable. Third- ly, By the sacred institution of divine worship under the Old Testament: for the end of themall was to repre- sent unto the church the glory of Christ in the discharge of his office, as we shall see afterwards. We may take notice of an instance in one kind un- der the Old Testament,- and of one and another under the New. His personal appearances under the Old Testament, carried in them a demonstration of his glory: such was that in the vision which Isaiah had, ,, when he saw his glory, and spake of him. chap. vi. 1, 2. I saw the ,, Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted óp, and {t hie train filled the temple. Above it stood the sera- " phims," &c. It was a representation of the glory of the divine presence of Christ filling his human nature, the temple ofhis body, with; a trainof all glorious graces. And if this typical representation of it was so glorious, as that the seraphims were notable steadfastly to behold it, but covered their faces upon its appearance, ver. 2. how exceeding glorious is it in itself; as it is openly re- sealed in the gospel? Of the same nature are the immediate testimonies given unto him from heaven in the New Testament; so the apostle tells us, ., he received from God the Father, 4, honour and glory, when there came such a voice un- to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved ., Son in whom 1 am well pleased," 2 Pet. i. 17. The apostle intends the time of his transfiguration in the mount. for no he adds, ver. 18. And this voice which came front heaven we heard, who were with him, in the holy mount. Howbeit, at sundry other times he had the same testimony or to the same purpose, from God even the Father in heaven. Herein Godgave him honour and glory, which; all those that believe in him should behold and admire; not only those who hear this testi- mony with their bodily ears, but all unto whom it is tes- tified in the scripture, are obliged to look after, and contemplate on the glory of Christ, as thus revealedand proposed. From the throne of his excellency by audi- ble voices, by visible signs, by the opening of the hea- vens above, by the descent of the Holy Spirit upon hint, God testified unto him as his eternal Son, and gave him therein honour and glory. The thoughts of this divine testimony, and the glory of Christ therein, hath often filled the hearts of some with joy and delight. This therefore, in reading and studying the holy scripture, we ought with all diligence to search and ate. tend unto, as did the prophetsof old, 1 Pet. i. 11, 12, ifwe intend by them to be made wise unto salvation. We should herein be as the merchant-man that seeks for pearls, he seeks for all sorts of them, but when he