)l) MEDITATIONS AND DISCOURSES success. Some put themselves unto multiplied duties. vital communion with Christ. Such are spiritual peace, refreshing,consolations, ineffable joys, and the blessed composure of assurance. Without some taste and ex- perience of these things, profession is heartless, lifeless, useless; and religion itselfa dead carcase without an ani- mating soul. 'l'he peace which some enjoy, is a mere stu- pidity. They judge not these things to be real, which are the substance of Christ's present reward: and a re- nunciation whereof would deprive the church of its principal supportments and encouragements in all its sufferings. It is a great evidence of the power of unbe- lief when we can satisfy ourselves without an experience in our own hearts of the great things in this kind of joy, peace, consolation, assurance, that are promised in the gospel. For how can it be supposed that we do indeed believe the promises of things future, namely, of heaven, immortality, and glory, the faith whereof is the foundation of all religion, when we do not believe the promises of the present reward in these spiritual privileges. And how shall we be thought to believe them, when we do not endeavour after an experience of the things themselves in our own souls, but are even contented without them? But herein men deceive themselves. They would very desirously have evan- gelicaljoy, peace, anti assurance to countenance them in their evil frames, and careless walking. And some have attempted to reconcile these things unto the ruin of their souls. But it will not be. Without the dili- gent exercise of the grace of obedience, we shall never enjoy the grace of consolation. But we must speak somewhat of these things afterwards. It is peculiarly, in the view of the glory of Christ, in his approaches unto ns, and abiding with us, that we are made partakers of evangelical peace, consolation, joy, and assurance. These area part of the royaltrain of his graces, of the reward wherewith he is accompa- nied: his reward is with him. Wherever he is graci- ously present with any,- these things are never wanting in a due measure and degree, unless it be by their own fault, or for their trial. In these things loth he give the church of his loves, Cant. vii. 12. For ifany man (saith he) tomtit me, Iwill love him, and manifest my- self unto hint, John xiv. 21. Yea, Iand the Father will come unto hire and make our abode with hint, ver. 23, and that so as to sup with him, Rev. iii.. '20. which onhis part, can be onlyby the communication of those spiritual refreshments. The only inquiry is by what Howbeit the generality of professors seem to be in a pining thriftless condition. And the reason of it is, because they will not sincerely and constantly make use of the only remedy and relief; like a man that will ra- ther choose to pine away in his sickness, with some use- less, transient refreshments, than apply himself unto a known and approved remedy, because, it may be, the use of it is unsuited unto some of his present occasions. Now this is not to live in the exercise of fitith in Christ Jesus. This himselfassures us of, John xv. 4, 5. There is a twofold coming unto Christ by believing. The first is that we may have life; that is, a spring and principle of spiritual life communicated unto us from him, forhe is our life (Col. iii. 8.); because he liveth, are live also, John xiv. 19. Yea, it is not so much we that live, as he that liveth in us, Gal. ii. 19, 20. And unbelief is a not coming unto him, that we may have life, John v. 40. But, secondly, there is also a coming unto him by believers in the actual exercise of faith, that they may have this life more abundantly, John x. 10. That is, such supplies of grace as may Steep their souls in a healthy, vigorous acting of all the powers of spiritual life. And as he reproacheth some that they would not come unto him that they might have life, so he may justly reprove us all, that we do not so come unto him in the actual exercise of faith as that we might have this life more abundantly. Secondly. When the Lord Christ is near us, and we do behold his glory, he will frequently communicate spiritual refreshment in peace, consolation, and joy unto our souls. We shall not only hereby have our graces excited with respect unto him as their object, but made sensible of his actings towards us in the com- munications of himself and his love unto us. When theSun of Righteousnessariseth on any soul, or maketh any near approach thereunto, it shall find healing under his wings; his beams of grace shall convey byhis Spirit, holy spiritual refreshment thereunto.For he is present with us by his Spirit, and these are his fruits and effects as he is the Comforter, suited untohis office as he is ,promised unto us. Many love to walk in a very careless unwise profes- sion. So long as they can hold out in the performance ofoutward duties, they are very regardless of the great- est evangelical privileges; of those things which are the marrow of divine promises, all real endeavours of a ,. ,M -1111111.°