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,2t) THE PERSON OF CHRIST THE FOUNDAIION pleasure, Rev. iv. 11.; that is, not only by an act of so- iii. 10. Infinite wisdom being that propertyof the di. vereignty, but to his owndelight and satisfaction. And vine nature, whereby all the actings of it are disposed adouble testimony did he give hereunto, with respectun- and regulated, suitably unto his own glory in all his di. to the works of creation. (1.) In the approbationwhich vine excellencies, he cannot "but delight in all the acts of he gave of the whole upon its survey. And " God saw it. Even amongst men, whose wisdomcompared with that all that he had made, and behold it wasgood." lien. i. of God, isfolly itself, yet is there nothing wherein they 31. There was that impression of his divine wisdom, have a real rational complacency, suitable unto the prin- power and goodness upon the whole, as manifested his ciples of their nature, but in such actings ofthat wisdom glory, wherein be was well pleased. For immediately which they have, and such as it is, towards the proper thereon, all creatures capable of the conception and ap- ends of their being and duty. Howmuch more doth prehension of his glory, sang forth his praise, Job God delight himselfin the infinite perfection of his own xxxviii. 6, 7. (2.) In that he restedfrom his works, or wisdom, and its eternal acting for the representation of in them when they were finished, Gen. ii. 2. It was not all the other glorious excellencies of his nature ? Such a rest of weariness from the labour ofhis work, but a are his counsels concerning the salvation of the church rest of complacency and delight in what he had wrought, by Jesus Christ ; and because they were all laid inhim that God entered into. and with him, therefore is he said to be his delights conti- But the principal delight and complacency of God is neatly before the world was. This is that which is gro- in his eternal counsels. For all his delightin his works, posed as the object of our admiration. Rom. xi. 33, 31, is but in the effects of those divine properties, whose 36, 36. primitive and principal exercise is in the counsels them- 2. They are acts of infinitegoodness, whereon the di- selves, from whence they proceed. Especially is it so vine nature cannot but be infinitely delighted in them. as unto these counsels of the Father and the Son, as to As wisdom is the directive principle of all divine opera- the redemption and salvation of the church, wherein lions; sogoodness is the communicative principle that is they delight, and mutually rejoice in each other on their effectual in them. He is good, and he loth good; yea, account. They areall eternal acts ofGod's infinite wis-- he doth good, because he is good, and for no other rea- dom, goodness, and love, a delight and complacency son; not by the necessity of nature, but by the inter- wherein is no small part ofthe divine blessedness. These vention of a free act of his will. His goodness is abso- things are absolutely inconceivable unto us, and ineflá-, lutely infinite, essentially perfect in itself; which it cannot ble by us; we cannot find the Almighty out unto per- be, if it belongedunto it naturally and necessarily to act fection. However, certain it is, from the notions we and communicate itself unto any thing without God have of the divine Being and excellencies, and from the himself. The divine nature is eternally satisfied in and revelation he bath made of himself, that there is an in with its goodness; but it is that principlewhich isthe finite delight in God, in the eternal actings of his wis- immediate fountain of all the communications of good dom, goodness, and love, wherein, according to our unto others, by afree act of the will of God. So when weak and dark apprehensions of things, we may safely Moses desired to see his glory, he tells him, that " he place no small portion ofdivine blessedness. Self-exist- will cause all hisgoodness to pass before him, and would ence in its own immense being, thence self-sufficiency be gracious unto whom he would be. gracious," Exod. unto itselfin all things, and thereon self.satisfaction, is xxxiii. 19. All divine operations in the gracious com- the principal notion we have of divine blessedness. munication of God himself, are from his goodness, by 1. God delighteth in these his eternal counsels in the intervention of a free act of his will. And the Christ, as they are actsof infinite wisdom, as they are the greatest exercise and emanation of divine goodpess, was highest instancewherein it will exert itself. Hence, in in these holy counsels of God for the salvation of the the accomplishmentof them, Christ is emphatically said church by Jesus Christ. For whereasin all other effects to be the Wisdom of God, 1 Cor. i. 24.; he in whom of his goodness he gives of hisown, herein he gave him- thecounsels of his wisdom were to be fulfilled. And in self, in taking our nature upon him. And thence, as him is the manifoldwisdom of God made known. Eph. i he expresseth the design of man in his fall, as upbraid.