r,1EDITATIONS AND DISCOURSES to the preaching of the word, this is his great and al- most only engine for their ruin. "'l'here needs no haste in this matter, another time will be more seasonable, you may be sure not to fail of it before you die: how- ever this present day and time is most unfit for it, you have other thingsto do, you cannot part with your pre- sent frame, you may come again to hear the word the next opportunity." Know assuredly, if your minds are influenced unto delays of coming to Christ by such in- sinuations, you are under the power of Satan, and he is like enough to hold you fast unto destruction. 3. This is as,evil and dangerous a posture, or frame of mind, as you can well fall under. If you have learn- ed toput off God, and Christ, and the word, for the present season, and yet relieve yourselves in this, that youdo not intend like others always to reject them, but will have a time to hearken to their calls; you are se- cured and fortified against all convictions and persua- sions, all fears; one answer will serve for all, within a little white you will do all that can be required of you, this is that which ruins the souls of multitudes. It is better dealing with men openly profligate, than with such a promiser. See Isa. v. 7, 10. 4. Remember that the Scripture confines you unto the present day, without the least intimation that you shall have either another day, or another tender ofgrace and mercy in any day, 2 -Cor. vi. 2. Heb. iii. 7, 10. xü. 15. 'Fake care lest you comeshort of the grace of God, miss of it by missing your opportunity. Redeem the time, or you are lost for ever. 5. As unto the pretence of your occasions and busi- ness, there is a ready way to disappoint the craft of Sa- tan in that pretence, namely, to mix thoughts of Christ, and the renovation of your resolutions, either to come or to cleave unto him, with all your occasions. Let no- thing put it utterly out ofyour minds; make it familiar unto you, and you will beat Satan out of that strong hold,Prov. vii. 4. However, shake yourselves out of this dust, or destruction lies at the door. IV. It is the language of the hearts of some, that if they give up themselves unto a compliance with this exhortation, and go seriously about this duty, they must relinquish and renounce all their lasts and plea- sures, yea much of their converse and society, where- in they find so much present satisfaction, as that they know not how'topart with them. Ifthey might retain their old ways, at least some of them, it were another matter, but this total relinquishment of all is very se- vere. Ans. 1. The Jesuits preaching and painting of Christ among some of the Indians concealed from them his cross and sufferings, telling them only of his present glory and power; so, as they pretended, to win them over to faith in him, hiding from them that whereby they might be discouraged, and so preached a false Christ un- to them, oneof their own framing. We dare do nosuch thing, for all the world: wecan here use no condescen- sion, no compliance, no composition with respect unto any sin or lust; we have no commission to grant that request of Lot, Is it not a little one? Let it be spared; nor to come to Naaman's terms, God be merciful to me in this thing, in all others I will be obedient. Where- fore, 2. We must here be peremptory with you, whatèver be the event: if you are discouraged by it, we cannot help it; cursed be the man that shall encourage you to come to Christ, with hopes ofindulgence- unto any one sin whatever. I speak notthis as though you could at once absolutely and perfectly leave all sin in the root and branches of it: but only you are to do it in heart and resolution, engaging into an universal mortification of all sin, as by grace from above you shall be enabled: but your choice must be absolute without reserves, as to love, interest, and design; God or the world, Christ or Belial, holiness or sin; there is no medium, no terms of composition, 2 Cor. vi. 15-18. 3. As unto what you pretend of your pleasures, the truth is, you never yet had any real pleasure, nor do know what it is:. how easy were it to declare the folly,. vanity, bitterness, poison of those things whichyou have esteemed your pleasures? Here alone, namely in Christ and a participation of him, are true pleasures and dur- able riches to be obtained; pleasure of the same nature with, and such as, like pleasant streams, flow down into the ocean of eternal pleasuresabove. A few momenta in these joys are to be preferred above the longest con- tinuance in the cursed pleasures of this world,. Prov. iii. IS, 18. V. It will be said by some, that they do not see those who profess themselves to be believers, to be so much setter than they are, as that you need to press us so earnestly to so great a change:. we know not why we J