556 ETERNAL ELECTION A CAUSE Sect. 19. (1.) Contempt of the world, and all that intake off your belongs unto it, will hence also be ingenerated in us. Did God set his heart upon some from eternity? did he choose them to be his own peculiarly, to distinguish them as his, from all the residue of mankind? Doth he design to give them the highest, greatest, best fruits and effects of his love, and glorify himself in their praises for ever? What then will he do for them? Will he make them all Kings or Emperors in the world? or at least, will he have them to be rich, and noble, and honour- able among men, that it may be known and proclaim- ed, Thus shall it be done to the man whom the King of heaven delighteth to honour, however, that they should be kept from straits, and difficulties, and trials, front poverty, and shame, and reproach in the world? Alas! none ofthese things were in the least in the heart of God concerning them. They deserve not to be named on the same day, as we use to speak, with the least of those things which God bath chosen Isis unto. Were there any real substantial good in them, on their own account, he would not have cast them out of the counsels of his love; but, on the contrary, a You see your calling, " brethren," which is the infalliblefruit and consequent of election, how " that not many wise men Mier the « flesh, not many noble, not many mighty are called, « but God lath chosen the poor of the world, the base " and the contemptible," for the most part; yea, he bath designed the generality of his elect.to a poor, low, and afflicted condition in this world. And shall we set our hearts on those things that God bath so manifestly put an under-valuation upon, incomparison ofthe least concernment of grace and holiness? Wherefore, let them that are poor and despised in the world, learn to be satisfied with their state and condition: had God seen it to have been good for you to have been otherwise, he would not have passed it by, when he was acting eternal love towards you. And let them that are rich, not set their hearts upon uncertain riches. Alas! they are things which God had no regard unto, when hepre- pared grace and glory forhis own. Let the remembrance hereof suit your esteem and valuation of them, and let it cool your spirits in your eager pursuit after them. Do but think with yourselves, that these are not the things that God hadany regard unto, when he chose us unto grace and glory, and it will abate of your cares about them, cool your love towards them, and OF, hearts front them, which is your hob- ness. Sect. 20.Secondly, Electing love is a motiveand encouragement unto holiness, because of the enabling supplies ofgrace which we may and ought thence to ex- pect by Jesus Christ. The difficulties we meet withal in acourse of holiness are great and many. HereSatan, the world, and sin, do put forth and try their utmost strength; oft-times the-best are foiled, oft-times discou- raged, sometimes weary, and ready to give over: it re- quires a good spiritual courage, to take a prospect of the lions, serpents, and snares, that lie in the way of a constant perseveringcourse in gospel. obedience. Hereon our knees are ready to growfeeble, andour hands tohang down. It is no small relief herein, no small encourage- ment to continue in our progress, that the fountain of electing grace, will never fail us, but continually give out supplies ofspiritual strength and refreshment. Hence may we take heart and courage, to rise again when we have been foiled, to abide when the shock of temptation is violent, and to persevere in thoseduties which are most wearisome tothe flesh. And they are unacquainted with a course of holy obedience, who know not how needful this consideration is unto a comfortable continuance therein. Sect. 21. Thirdly, It bath the same tendency and effect in the assurancewe have from thence, that, not- withstanding all the oppositions we meet withal, we shall not utterly and finally miscarry. God's election will at last obtain, Rom. xi. 7. and hisfoundation standeth sure, 2 Tim. i. 19. His purpose, which is according unto e. lection, is unchangeable; and therefore the final perse- verance and salvationof those concerned in it are ever- lastingly secured. This is the design of the apostle's discourse, Rom. viii. from ver. 28. unto the end. Be- cause of the immutability of God's eternal purpose in our predestination, and his effectual gracious operations, in the pursuit, and for the execution thereof, the elect of God shall infallibly be carried through all, even the most dreadful oppositions that are made against them, and be at length safely landed in glory. And there is no greater encouragementto grow and persist in holi- ness, than`what is administered by this assurance of -a- blessed end and issue of it. Sect. 22.Those who have had experienceof that spi. ritual slumber and sloth which unbelief will cast us un-