Owen - BX9315 O81

S80 NECESSITY OF HOLINESS FROM Sect. 22. Is it from his actings as the great prophet ofthe church, that you expect help and relief? Have you effectually learned of him to deny all ungodliness, and worldly,lusts, and to live righteously, and soberly, andgodly in, thispresent world? Bath he taught you to be humble, to be meek, to be patient, to hate the gar- ment spotted with the,flesh ? Bath he instructed - you untosincerity in all your ways, dealings, and whole con- versations amongmen? Above all, hath he taught-you, have you learned of him, to purify. and. cleanse your hearts. by: faith, to subdue you inward spiritual and fleshly lusts, to endeavour after an universal conformity unto his image and.likeness? Do you find his doctrine effectual unto these ends,. and areyour hearts and minds cast into the mould of it? If it be so,. your interest in himby his prophetical office is secured unto you. But if you say, you hear his voice in, his word, read and preached, that you learned. many mysteries, and have attained much light or knowledge,thereby, at least you know the substance of the doctrine he bath taught; so as that you. can discourse of, it, yea, and that you' do many things,. or performmany duties, according unto it; but cannot say, thatthe effects- before inquired af- ter, are wrought inyou by. his. word, and Spirit, you lose. the second expectation,of an interest in Christ as Mediators or any advantage thereby. Sect. 23. Will you,betake yourselves to the kingly office of Christ, and haveyou expectations on him by virtue thereof?, You-may do well to examine how- he ruleth in you,, andover you. Hath he subdued your lusts, those eneinies.of his kingdom, which flghtagainst your souls? Hath-he strengthened, aided, supported¡ assisted you by hisgrace, unto all holy obedience? And have you given up yourselves to be ruled by his word and Spirit, to obey him in all things, and to entrust all your temporal and eternal concernments unto his care, faithfulness, and power? If it be so, you have cause to rejoice, as those who have an assured concern: in theblessed things ofhis kingdom. But if your proud rebellious lusts do yet bear sway.inyou, ifsin have do-. minion over you, ifyou continue to fulfil the lusts of the mind and of the flesh; if you walk after the fashions of-this world, and notas obedient subjectsof thatking- dom of his which is not of this world.- Deceive not . yourselves any longer, Christ will be of no advantage unto you. In these things lie the sum of our present argument. Ifthe Lord Christ act no otherwise for our good, but in and by his blessed offices of priest, prophet, and king; and if the immediate effect of the grace of Christ, acting in . all these offices towards us, be our holiness and sanctification, those in whom that effect is not wrought and produced, haveneither ground nor reason to promise themselves an interest in Christ, or.any advantageby his mediation. For men to name the name of Christ, to profess themselves Christians, or his disciples, to avow an expectation of mercy, pardon, life, and salvationby him, and, in the mean time, to be in themselves worldly, proud, ambitious, envious, revengeful, haters ofgood men, covetous, living in di. vers lusts and pleasures, is a scandal and shame unto the Christian religion, and,unavoidably destructive ta. their own souls. NECESSITY OF HOLINESS FROM OUR CONDITION-IN THIS. WORLD,,. CHAP. Necessity of holiness fa her arguedfrass our own state and condition in this world, with what is required af'us with respect unto.our givingglösyto Jésus Christ. ANOTHER argssment'for-the necessity of holiness, I that the vicious distemperof our natures is or can be may be taken from this consideration of ourselves, and cured. That our nature is fearfully and universally de- our present state and condition:-for it is hereby alone prayed by the entrance of-sin, .1 have before declared;