588 AN ALPHABETICAL TABLE. Page. Section. Angels God's host, 50, 6 Ministry of angels about the body of Christ when dead, 101, 10 Anointing at the inauguration of governors, what it signified, 82, 22 The Spirit of Antichrist what it is, 30, 17 An Anti-Spirit set up in opposition to the Spirit of God, 14, 23 Apostacy of the church in several ages with respect unto the persons of the Holy Trinity, 18, 27 Apostacy of Christian churches in the rejection of the Holy Spirit and his work, 18, 27 Apostacy from beginnings of conversion how brought on, 205, 24 Appellations or titles ofthe Holy Spiritin the Scripture, 24, 9 Appearances of the Holy Spirit under visible signs, 37, 15 Appearances of persons in divine visions, 75, 14 All apprehensions of divine operations to be tried by the rule of the word, 129, 26 Apprehension of eternal danger from the law, before conversion, 210, 31 Application of the blood of Christ for the cleansing of sin, 250, 1 Application to the bloodof Christ for the cleansing ofsin and the nature of it, 261, s. 5. & 269, 273 Application of the death of Christ unto the subduing of sin wherein it consists, 333, 36 Arguments in prayer for the further communications of the Spirit, 242, 4 Weak arguments for holiness prejudicial to it. 336, 2 Arguments to prove the Divine personality of the Holy Ghost, 34, &c. 8 Articulate voices in divine revelations how formed, 74, 12 Internal assistance of the Spirit of God necessary to every act of obedience, 313, 5 Assumption the only immediateact of the person of the Son towards the human nature, 89, 4 Assurance accompanying Divine Revelations, 73, 10 Assurance of success and final preservation an encour- agement to duties of holiness, 356, 21 Assurance of the end an encouragement unto the use of the means, 357, 23 Page. Section. Atonement or satisfaction not required of sinners, 221, 13 False ways of making atonement the ground of all superstition, 221, 13 Vain attempts for the mortification of sin, 321, 8 Auricular confession an invention to accommodate the inclination of all flesh, 256 Authority in giving the Spirit respects his gifts and and grace, 57, 4 Authority of God gives efficacy to the word, 177, 13 Authority ofGod to be always in hiscommands, 361, 10 Sense of the authority of God to be carried into all our occasions, 365, 17 B Balsam how a prophet, and how a sorcerer, 77, 17 Baptized into the name of the Holy Spirit, as into the Father and Son, 36, 14 Baptism of Christ the time of his being anointed unto his prophetical office, 97, 5 Baptism is not regeneration, 128, 15 All that are duly baptized are not regenerate, 124, 16 Baptism how it expresseth oursanctification, 250, 2 Baptism washeth not away sin virtute operis operati, 256 Beauty of the soul in its conformity unto God, 25, 35 Beginning and endingof thegift of prophecy, 70, 6 Beginnings of holiness small like seed, 228, 4 Beginning of good from ourselves, a Pelagian Fiction, 315, 9 Believers alone receive the Spirit, in what sense, 60, 5 Believers much unacquainted with the nature of holi- ness, and their own interest therein, 219, 10 Believers the only subject of sanctification, 244, 6 Benefit and use of the word preached, 229, 5 Benignity and charity the great resemblances of God, 347, 23 Blasphemy of the Jews against the name of Jesus, 3, 3 Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, 45, 29 Blindness of many about the nature of sin, 822, 11 The blood of Christ how it cleanseth from sin, 158, 3 The blood of Christ that purgeth sin is the blood of his Sacrifice, 259, 4 Blood in sacrifice both offered and sprinkled, 260, 5 _r-