404 AN ALPHABET Section. Procession of the Holy Spirit from theFather and Son, 63, 15 rwo-fold, natural and voluntary, 63, 15 Dignity ofprofessors wherein it consists, 344, 20 Progress made by the Lord Christ in the exercise of his human faculties, 95, 2 Mortification progressive, 322, 10 Promise of the Holy Ghost unto whom it is made, 6, 10 Promise of the Spirit of God unto the church rendered useless by some, 14, 26 Promise of the Spirit under the gospel unto all believers, 85, 4 Promise of Christ's presence with his church how ac- complished, 109, 5 Promise of God when respected in a due manner, 225, 14 Promises and exhortations how effectual, 186, 18 Promises how to be mixed with faith, 269 Especial promises annexed unto especial duties, 371, 35 Promises a great encouragement unto holiness, 171, 86 Proper ends of the knowledge of Christ, love and con- formity, 105, 16 All properties of the divine nature ascribed unto the Holy Spirit, 47, 32 The properties ofGod most gloriously represented in Christ, 338,:' 6 Prophets of Baal who they were, and why so called, 10, 17 A prophet what the name signifies, 71, 8 Prophets how they inquired into their own prophecies, 69, 5 Tongues and hands of the prophets guided by the Holy Ghost, 72, 10 Prophets established in the church all holy, 77, 18 Prophecy the first eminent gift of theHoly Ghost under the old Testament, 69, 5 Beginning and ending of the gift of prophecy under the old Testament, 70, 6 Prophecy in its exercise two -fold, 71, 8 General nature of the gift of prophecy, 71, 9 Prophetical office of Christ its acts and objects, 574, 6 Propositionsof the gospelto be believed, of what nature, 353, 12 Purgatory a great engine for the ruin of souls, 256 ICAL TABLE. Page. Section. Faith how it purgeth the soul, 263, 8 Purging of sin commensurate unto the whole work of sanctification, 254 To purify ourselves from all sin our duty, 268, 13 Purification the first of sanctification, 249, 1 Means of purification ifduly used, the soul is kept from defilement so as to be always accepted with God, 275 Purification the end of Christ's oblation, 373 Legal purifications types of real sanctification, 250, 2 Putting of the Spirit on men, and what is signified thereby, 60, 10 Q. Quakers mistakes and failures about mortification, 329, 26 Quakers strangers unto true Mortification, 329, 26 Qualifications for the receiving of gospel gifts unto edi- fication, 240 Spiritual quickening an act of almightypower, 192, 49 The Queen of heaven, 50, 6 R. Rage against the Spirit ofGod, 17, 26 Enthusiastical raptures no means of conversion, 128, 25 Readiness unto holy obedience whence it proceedeth, 293, 36 Readiness in the minds of believers unto all dutiesof o- bedience, 313, 5 Real workofgrace and holiness in the hearts of belie- vers, 305, 66 Reasons and causes why the mysteries of the gospel are esteemed folly, 153, 34 Reasons why the growth of holiness ishardly discerned, 235, 10 Corrupted reason depraves the whole mystery of the gospel, 218, 8 Weakness of human reason to instruct us unto obe- dience, 376, 13 To receive the grace of God what it is, 56, 3 What is required to the receiving spiritual things in a spiritual manner, 151, 29